Book Blast and Giveaway for H. D. Gordon’s Shooting Stars


Author H.D. Gordon

Shooting Stars Synopsis

Once upon a time, a common boy fell in love with a princess. It was a hopeless, forbidden love, grown in a world where sorcery and magic rule over all. Now, dark times are brewing, and destiny will bring them together, while fate works to keep them apart. Extraordinary battles will be fought, and extraordinary choices made. Join the author of The Alexa Montgomery Saga for the beginning of a tale of star-crossed lovers and magic, of hope and love and loss, of desperate wishes made on stars.


Book Info

Title: Shooting Stars (A Surah Stormsong Novel #1)

Author: H.D. Gordon

Publisher: ShareAread

Release Date: March 15th, 2013

Formats:  E-book

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Cover Artist: Regina Wamba



H.DauthorpicH. D. Gordon is the author of The Alexa Montgomery Saga. Blood Warrior, the first book of the Alexa series was her debut novel and has held a spot in the top 100 fantasy bestsellers for over a month. Half Black Soul is the second book in this series and H. D. plans to complete Alexa’s tales by the end of 2012. In June of 2012, Joe, a fantasy novel about a young clairvoyant, was released as well. H. D. is a lifelong reader and writer, a true lover of words. When she is not reading or writing she is raising her two daughters, playing a little guitar, and spending time with her family. She is twenty three years old and lives in the northeastern United States.

You can follow H.D. Gordon at:


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  • Baby Samson Plush
  • 5 e-copies of Shooting Stars


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3 thoughts on “Book Blast and Giveaway for H. D. Gordon’s Shooting Stars

  1. Pingback: Release Day Bookblast & Giveaway ~ H.D. Gordon’s Shooting Stars | fuonlyknew

    • Yeah, I thought of that when I saw it. Sorry. We’ll have to see if we can figure that out when we get together.

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