Review – Desecrated Essence by C A Rene @IndieSagePR #CARene


Warning: This is not for the faint of heart. The characters have issues, the sex is raw, graphic, including rape, bondage…

Desecrated Essence has another beautiful cover for the Desecrated Duet series by C A Rene, though the story inside is dark and tormented, as are the characters.

Desecrated Essence (Desecrated Duet Book 2)

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Desecrated Essence is the second book in the Desecrated Duet series. For me, Desecrated Essence takes erotica to a whole new level.

We are three months later than the end of Desecrated Flesh, the first book in the series.

I started reading Desecrated Essence as soon as I finished Desecrated Flesh. The characters fascinate, disgust, and frighten me. Psychopaths and sociopaths walk around us, never showing their true colors. Here, you will see them. Understand them? Probably not.

Pleasure and pain. Dark…I found these characters so deep, dark and primal, I cannot put into words what I felt as I read, yet I couldn’t stop reading. I am so disturbed that I have to know how their story ends.

I know I keep repeating myself, but I don’t even know what to say about Kailey…and the rest. Sex, sex, sex. I am worn out just reading about it. I am getting bored and kinda grossed out by all the sex, yet I am waiting to see what the Monster wants.

I know there is more to story about the guys, how dangerous they are. They do come from mob families.

I do love reading about dark, depraved characters, but these guys are so far gone, I don’t think any of them can be saved. To say they have mental issues is putting it way to mildly They are brutal, savage, murderous, yet, like all criminals, they do have a code of their own.

I had trouble writing the review for the first book, Desecrated Flesh, and I am having an equally hard time writing a review for Desecrated Essence.

If you like to wallow in the dangerous, brutal world of sexual degradation, come on in.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Desecrated Essence by C A Rene.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


What happens when your only source of warmth and light leaves you?
The dismal shadows once kept at bay, begin to seep back in and coat everything the light once touched. All feeling becomes saturated in their inky grasp and escape becomes impossible. She left me here in the dark, alone and awaiting the impending destruction.

Who do you turn to when you feel all is lost?
His presence isn’t welcomed, and his anger scorches my insides, but at least he never leaves. Now that I’m truly alone, his claws sink deep and trying to flee would be futile. We are one, him and I. There’s nothing I can do but watch the storm clouds roll in.

How do I warn them if the warning is me?
I can’t control him once he has something in his sights, his determination knows no bounds, and his wrath is an addiction I know too well. There’s no stopping the lightning if you don’t hear the thunder.

ABOUT C A RENE (from her website)

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First off… Call me Chrissy!​

I’m so glad you’re here, whether it’s because you found me from reading my books or hit a link, I’m just ecstatic you decided to check me out. 

In my books you will find complete inclusivity and I refuse to be kept in any specific box. I write across all genres and dabble in just about everything.

To keep up with all new releases and teasers for all my upcoming books, you can follow me on any social media platform!

Lover of all things dark. I love to read it, write it, own it, eat it, whatever it. My addictions include Coffee, books, and WINE, in that order.

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