Review/Guest Post – Shadow of Danger by Kristine Mason

I saw the cover and stopped dead. Awesome. Tells me some bad stuff is coming. The blurb just reeled me in because I was already hooked. I was off and running from the very first page.

Even though this is a trilogy, each book can stand alone. But once you read one, you will want to read them all. Be sure and stop by tomorrow for my Review of Shadow of Perception, a guest post on Kristine’s favorite character and an awesome tour-wide Giveaway.

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Recommended for Adults – violence, strong language and explicit sex scenes.

She awoke, fighting for her life and tears running down her face. She knew the woman was dead. This was not the first time she had felt the evil perpetrated on another as if it were happening to her. It wouldn’t be the last either.

Four nights and four nightmares. Would it ever end?

Roy had four dead women on his hands and needed help. He put in a call to Ian, the head of CORE.  Ian knew John Cain was the man for the job and sent him to Wissota Falls.

Celeste had come home to Wissota Falls to take care of her mother, who was dying of cancer, and never left. Wissota Falls is a small town, where everyone knows everyone’s business. Could a serial killer be walking among them?

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos   5 STARS – Would Buy It For Them (lol)

My two favorite things – murder and paranormal – and Kristine blended them into an excellent story. This is a long book and I knew I couldn’t read it in one sitting, but I really wanted to. Hmmm. How much longer can I read before I have to get up and clean the kitchen so my hubby doesn’t know I read all day. LOL

Are there two killers? The suspense of finding out who the killer is kept building. I figured it was between three people………Could it be him, yes. Or him, yes. Or him, yes. I know it has to be one of them, I just can’t figure out which one. I love not knowing and it was really hard to keep from skimming over parts to find the answer.

Celeste – she always put herself last. She was the type of person who would give you the shirt off her back. She had a gift, a paranormal gift that some might say was a curse.

John Cain – criminalist and former FBI agent, now working for CORE. John has a lot of personal baggage. I love a tarnished knight. It adds that little extra story line as they find their way out of the mess they are in.

CORE – Criminal Observance Resolution and Evidence. Ian Scott was the creator of the private agency formed to take down the bad guys.

Sherriff Roy Hauserman was like a father to Celeste. He had a healthy respect for her psychic gift. She knew she could always count on him. “Paul Bunyan without the ax and blue ox.”

I loved when Celeste first met John in the diner – such sizzling hot thoughts. As a rule, I don’t care much for sexually explicit books, but this book was so good it didn’t matter to me and only seemed to add to the story.

When Celeste talks about why she started collecting Gnomes, I laughed out loud.

garden gnomes photo: garden gnomes gnome.gifI love Kristine’s ability to add humor to such a heavy and horrendous story. I know I keep saying I loved this and I loved that, but I did. I am so glad that I decided to participate in the tour for Shadow of Perception, Book II. Otherwise, I would have missed finding another fantastic author. Come back tomorrow for my review of Shadow of Perception and a guest post from the author, along with a Giveaway you don’t want to miss.

I received this book as part of a tour for the second book, Shadow of Perception. This is an honest and unbiased review.


“If you loose any more weight, you’ll be nothing but walking boobs.”

John    “Please don’t pout.”

Celeste   “I’m not pouting……..Did you feel anything when you touched me at the diner?”

“…when you find that woman, no matter the odds, the end result is well worth it.” “What’s that?” “A woman you’d die for, or die without. Take your pick.”

 “….thinking of puppies, babies and a frickin’ white picket fence.”

Celeste   “Why are you doing this?”

HIM   “Because I can.”


I am participating in the tour for Shadow of Perception by Kristine Mason tomorrow, and she has given me two guest posts to choose from for the tour. SO, lucky you are going to get an insight into why Kristine writes in today’s post.

 How I began writing…

 I began writing twelve years ago after I quit my job to stay home with my newborn. While I was happy to be at home with my son, I have to admit that boredom set it rather quickly. To fill the time, I read a ton of books. And I’m not exaggerating. I would take a big bag to the library and toss in dozens of books, then read them all within a month. I’d become a serious romance junkie. At the time, I didn’t know which authors wrote what, so I had a hard time finding a certain type of book. I was looking for sexy, edgy, gritty suspense. After a while, I decided that if I couldn’t find what I was looking for, then I’d write it. That first book was something I would work on to kill the time. I wrote when I was in the mood and sometimes would go months without even looking at it. That book took me five years to write. Five years! What’s sad is no one will ever see it. But that’s okay. I had accomplished what many people place on their bucket list. I wrote a book.

Seven years ago, after the birth of my third son, I joined a local Romance Writers of America chapter. I attended my first conference, met published authors, editors and agents. That’s when I was bitten by the writing bug. Instead of looking at writing as a hobby, I began looking at it as my unpaid career. I wrote like crazy, found an awesome critique partner and really began learning the craft of writing. The book that took five years to write…I’ve written ten more since then. Again, not all will see the light of day, but those books helped me grow as a writer.

I truly love creating stories and characters. Writing has become my passion and I’m enjoying the ride!



shadowofperceptionauthorI didn’t pick up my first romance novel until I was in my late twenties. Immediately hooked, I read a bazillion books before deciding to write one of my own. After the birth of my first son I needed something to keep my mind from turning to mush, and Sesame Street wasn’t cutting it. While that first book will never see the light of day, something good had come from writing it. I realized my passion, and had found a career that I love.

When I’m not writing contemporary romances and dark, romantic suspense novels (or reading them!) I’m chasing after my four kids and two neurotic dogs.




To pick up Kristine Mason’s books from Amazon, simply click on the cover.

Shadow of Perception  Shadow of Vengeance, Book III of the CORE “Shadow” Trilogy is coming soon.

To see all my Reviews, go HERE.
To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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