Wordless Wednesday #6 – What Am I

Wordless Wednesday #6 is an opportunity to share your photos or photos you love.

What do you see?

This photo was from last weeks Wordless Wednesday.

2016-02-21 00.26.47I saw a nut and bolt in the very center, but what could it be holding together?

2016-02-21 00.26.47

Now, for this weeks photo…

2016-03-08 19.56.58

What Am I?

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Ghostly Evil surrounds Celeste by Kristine Mason

Kristine Mason’s paranormal suspense novel, Celeste Files: Unjust, has an amazing cover. I love the feeling I get as I look at it. The waves crashing on the retaining wall do not scare me, but they do make my heart beat a little faster and my breath quicken.

I loved Celeste, Book I of the Psychic CORE series, and I was waiting for Celeste Unjust.


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I recommend Celeste Unjust for adults.

I have read all Kristine Mason’s romantic suspense novels and I love her writing. It keeps me hanging on the edge of my seat. So Celeste and the Psychic CORE series are must reads for me. The action begins from the opening words and she does not let me go until the last one is read.

Celeste is a Ghost Whisperer. She has all the problems of us normals, plus the added stress and danger of the ghosts refusing to let her ignore them. Bad or good, she must acknowledge their presence. Her prior experience let her fearful, wondering if she would survive her next encounter.

Familiar characters appear and I am happy to see them. Not just for me, but for Celeste too. She will need all the expertise of the Above The Law CORE gang.

The cover may lull you into feeling this will be just a nice little ghost story, but the true horror begins on their vacation to the Everglades and catches a dead body.

Kristine Mason does not miss a beat in her venture into the paranormal and supernatural genre. I have come to expect evil, savage villains and this is a horror of the supernatural kind, where the evil literally seeps under Celeste’s skin, threatening not only her life, but her husbands and all those around her.

Celeste Unjust is a horror of a ghost story of possession by an evil man accused of murder and human trafficking. The pacing and suspense kept me dancing on my toes. Just when I thought I had all the answers, she did this…

Kristine even got me at the very end and I cannot help but smile at a job WELL DONE!

I rub my hands will glee as I anticipate Celeste Unforgotten, Book III of the Psychic CORE series.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  5 Stars


Celeste Files: Unjust (Book 2 Psychic C.O.R.E.)—Kristine Mason

Dealing with the dead is murder…

Psychic Celeste Kain has two things on her mind, relaxing for a week in Florida with her husband, John, and making a baby. But a fishing trip turns her vacation into a nightmare when she reels in the body of a dead boat captain and accidentally unleashes an evil ghost who has one thing on his mind…revenge.

As the dead boat captain haunts Celeste, she looks deeper into his past and discovers that his murderer had done the world a favor. The ghost tormenting Celeste doesn’t see it that way and will go to any length to avenge his death. If Celeste won’t give him what he wants, he will take over her body and use her as a weapon…to kill her husband.

Celeste Risinski, the heroine of Shadow of Danger (Book 1 C.O.R.E. Shadow Trilogy), is back with her own series. Join her as she learns how to deal with being a wife, mom, baker and…psychic investigator.


AuthorPhoto_PerfectlyToxicKristine Mason is the bestselling author of the popular romantic suspense trilogies, C.O.R.E. Shadow and Ultimate C.O.R.E. She is currently working on her next trilogy, C.O.R.E. Above the Law, along with a series of Psychic C.O.R.E. novellas.

Although Kristine has published a few contemporary romance novels, she focuses most of her energy on her romantic suspense stories, which she loves for their blend of dark mystery/suspense and sexy romance. She is fascinated with what makes people afraid, and is famous for her depraved villains whose crimes present massive obstacles for her heroes and heroines to overcome.

Kristine has a degree in journalism from Ohio State University and lives in Northeast Ohio with her husband, four kids, and two dogs. If she’s not writing, she’s chauffeuring kids, gardening, or collecting gnomes. Oh, and she makes a mean chocolate chip cookie!Connect with Kristine on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kristinemasonauthor, Twitter https://twitter.com/KristineMason7 or email her at authorkristinemason@gmail.com. You can also find out more about Kristine’s books at http://www.kristinemason.net

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Shadow of Danger  /  Shadow of Perception  /  Shadow of Vengeance

Ultimate Kill  /  Ultimate Fear  /  Ultimate Prey (review coming soon)

Celeste Files: Unlocked

Perfectly Twisted  /  Perfectly Toxic

All covers link to Amazon and I am an affiliate, BUT I cannot help but tell you. Kristine Mason is a master storyteller and I would highly recommend buying the book sets, because you will want to read them all! Except, I have yet to read the Reality TV series.

The Celeste Files of the Psychic CORE series are paranormal and supernatural novels that star Celeste, from the very first book in the CORE Shadow Trilogy, Shadow of Danger. I love the mix of psychics and ghosts, with murder and thrills. Check them out below.

Perfectly twisted is the beginning of another series, CORE Above the Law, that takes the characters even further than I thought they would go. I am LOVING it!!!

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Kindle Giveaway – Mosaics: A Collection of Independent Women

Today’s the day, all the excitement, all the anticipation, and now it’s finally here. And don’t forget to enter the mega giveaway, including a Kindle Fire, a $50 gift card, and a paperback library, at the end of this post!

A project focused on bringing women’s voices to readers and celebrating the stories they have to tell. Including stories by Keyan Bowes, Carol Cao, Chelo Diaz-Ludden, Sarina Dorie, Naomi Elster, Jordanne Fuller, Ari Harradine, Karen Heuler, L.S. Johnson, Tonya Liburd, Kelsey Maki, Julia Ray, Patty Somlo, P.K. Tyler, Deborah Walker, Keira Michelle Telford, Kim Wells, Elizabeth Wolf, and Sylvia Spruck Wrigley

Mosaics: A Collection of Independent Women Vol 1

Buy Your Copy Now! Amazon.com

Mosaic CoverMosaics: A Collection of Independent Women will inspire and shock you with its multi-faceted look at the history and culture surrounding femininity. If gender is a construct, this anthology is the house it built. Look through its many rooms, some bright and airy, some terrifying- with monsters lurking in the shadows.

Mosaics Volume One features twenty self-identified female authors writing about Intersectionality, including women of color, and members of the disability, trans, and GLB/ GSD* (Gender and Sexual Diversities) communities. We have curated amazing short fiction, flash fiction, poetry, essays, and art. It’s personal, political, and a great read.

This collection includes Hugo Award Nominees, Tiptree Shortlists, Pushcart Prize Winners, USA Today Bestsellers, indie superstars and traditionally published talents alike. The anthology combines leading and new voices all proclaiming their identity as Women, and their ability to Roar.

Buy Your Copy Now! Amazon.com

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Teaser Tuesday #62 – Europa: Awakenings by P R Garcia

TeaserTuesdays-ADailyRhythm3Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of adailyrhythm.

Anyone can play along! Just do the following: Grab your current read. Open to a random page. Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!


  Pam Garcia offered me a copy of Europa: Awakenings, Book I of the series, and just by looking at the cover (the one at the bottom of the post), I knew I wanted to read this. There are two covers, the one below and the one I have at the bottom of the post. Which do you like best?

Want to make a visit to Atlantis?

Europa: Awakenings

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“I am sorry, but for now I am not allowed outside,” Europa said. “I must remain behind these walls.”

“What do you mean you’re not allowed outside?” Terrance asked, suddenly very concerned Europa was being kept a prisoner in her own home.

“It is for my own protection,” Europa said, seeing the concern on Terrance’s face. She realized he couldn’t comprehend why she was confined to the house. “It is okay, I have agreed to it.”

(156 of paperback)


When the Oonocks sank their golden city of Atlantis beneath the ocean, only the words of Plato gave testimony of its existence. Now learn a new thought of who the Atlantians were and why they had to sink their city that eventful night. Find out why 6000 years ago, the race known as the Oonocks left their beautiful lilac waters of *******’s ice moon Europa to begin a new life on Earth. Discover the real Atlantians. Europa is a twenty year old human female who has never heard of the Oonocks. And although she’s heard of the legend of Atlantis, she’s never giving the story much thought. Her life has been fairly normal, as normal as any royal child’s can be. The secret of who she really is has been kept from her, but she does know that she is of royal birth, the next leader of her people, that her great-great-great grandparents had to flee their country, which no longer exists, and that their enemy’s descendants may still be hunting them. Therefore, she follows a strict set of security rules. Safe and happy, she lives on an isolated estate along the coast line in northern California. But her safety is an illusion, for their enemy has returned and is stalking the future queen, waiting for his chance to end her life. The day after her birthday, Europa’s perfect word is destroyed when JeffRa assassinates her mother, thinking she was Europa. As she struggles to deal with her mother’s death, Europa’s world is turned upside down when she discovers a secret attic above her mother’s bedroom. There, she finds picture of her parents hundreds of years old. But most terrifying of all is her mother’s diary. Inside, Queen Medaron wrote that Europa would be born human and never know who she really was. Europa desperately searches for the answers as to who she is, as she flees before the assassin. Along the way, Europa will lose almost everyone and everything she loves. In order to survive she must find the queen inside her. She must learn and accept the true story of Atlantis and the Oonock race

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Monday Mini – A ray of hope in Mutation Z: Drones Overhead by Marilyn Peake @marilynpeake

I have been eating up Marilyn Peake’s zombie series, Mutation Z. This is the fourth book, Mutation Z: Drones Overhead, and the story continues at an M & Ms pace, I gobble them up.

You may not be so hungry after sharing dinner with some of these guys.

If you are a zombie, conspiracy, genetic engineering lover, you can check out the series with Mutation Z: The Ebola Zombies, #1, FREE.

Mutation Z is now available in boxed sets for .99. Check them out and my reviews below.

Mutation Z: Drones Overhead (Mutation Z, #4)

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Mutation Z: Drones Overhead by Marilyn Peake is the fourth novella in this zombie series that had me feeling like upchucking one minute and kicking ass the next.

Journalist Hunter Morgan awoke in McAllen, Texas, and remembered the massacre. As he raged, tearing apart the cell he had been placed in, they shot him with a tranquilizer dart…but there is a ray of hope and it is more important than ever he survive.

The virus is reaching epidemic proportions and a madman is running the Zombie Hunters.

The situation becomes more dangerous. Isolated and housebound, they plot their next course of action. They had to stop THEM before the situation reached an apocalypse, wiping out humanity.

Can it be stopped? Is it already too late?

With governments running AMOK, the media spewing lies and terror, the zombie population growing and the attempt to stop them reaching a level of savagery nobody could have foreseen, the clock is ticking and time is running out.

Maybe it is was me, but I didn’t feel the level of urgency that I felt leading up to #4. Maybe because, in Drones Overhead, we cover details of how they stay hidden, what they do to disguise themselves, and planning what comes next. We can’t be running willy nilly or no one will survive.

Needless to say, I can hardly wait to read Mutation Z: Dragon in the Bunker, #5. The title alone makes me think something even more terrible is going to go wrong (if such a thing is possible) and I want to be there!

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  4 Stars

The first 3 novella reviews: Mutation Z by Marilyn Peake @marilynpeake

You can find out more about Marilyn Peake and her books HERE.

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Sherry’s Shelves #72

Sherry’s Shelves #72 is my weekly update from February 28 – March 5, 2016.

I read some wonderful books and have some great giveaways going on, so be sure and scroll to the end of the post to check them out!

Sunday Post #201 Countdown to Spring..

Stacking The Shelves {200}


Raindrops keep falling on my pool... (c) Sherry Fundin

Raindrops keep falling on my pool…
(c) Sherry Fundin

We had a little bit of rain this week and cooler weather at night but I have been spending some time outside, getting a head start on the yard. The pool is sparkly clear and I feel like jumping in, very soon. I have also been going through my email files, moving and deleting, organizing them better. Spring cleaning my computer is as important as spring cleaning my house…but it takes so darn long and my eyes are crossing. I do feel a sense of accomplishment. Now…on to some more fun stuff.


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I won Colton’s Surprise Heir by Addison Fox, Book II in The Coltons of Texas romantic suspense series on Freda’s Voice. Thank you ladies and I look forward to reading it…soon.

2016-03-05 03.17.06


Pam Garcia offered me a copy of Europa: Awakenings, the first book of the Eruopa series for review. When I saw the cover…and read the blurb, there was no denying, I HAD to have it. Science fiction and fantasy are taking me on a trip to the underwater world of Atlantis. After reading about the author and her love of the ocean and all its critters, I can hardly wait to get started. A woman after my own heart!

2016-03-05 03.17.48I read this first book, Betrayed by Jaye Frances and loved it (see my review and enter the giveaway here), so I am excited to get my hands on Book II of the World Without Love series, Reunion (erotica). It’s unusual for me to read erotica, but I love Jaye Frances’ writing and there is so much more to the story than sex. It deals with the subject of human trafficking and the enslavement of women.

I will be reviewing Silenced in the Surf by Kate Dyer Seeley for a tour in April. Available for Pre-order. This item will be released on March 29, 2016. This is the third book in the Pacific Northwest Mystery series and I am excited to dive right in. I got all three books signed by the author, so get ready for some cozy mystery murders. They are in the correct reading order in the pic below and normally I would begin with the first book in the series, Scene of the Climb, but I want to make sure I get Silenced in the Surf done in time for the tour…

2016-03-05 03.19.07

LAST WEEK ON fundinmental


THIS WEEK ON fundinmental

  • Sherry’s Shelves
  • Monday Mini Review – Mutation Z #4 Marilyn Peake
  • Teaser Tuesday – The Hatching
  • Review – Celeste Files: Unjust by Kristine Mason
  • Mosaics
  • Wordless Wednesday
  • Giveaway & Review – The Body Market by DV Berkom
  • Review – Hidden Chamber of Death by Hawk MacKinney
  • Friday 56 & BB – In Contempt by Christopher Darden
  • Saturday Shorts Review – Water & Fire by Demelza Carlton


Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

What are you reading?


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Saturday Shorts – Beyond Belief by Helen Smith

Beyond Belief by Helen Smith is An Emily Castles Mystery that may cozy up to some of you mystery lovers out there.

I won this book some time ago, sorry I forget where.

Cover:  Scott Barrie

The cover makes me think of a movie and I am in a box of popcorn.

What does it say to you?


Beyond Belief’s cover makes me think we are off to the carnival and that seems to be true.

I thought with the quirky characters, the psychics and fortunetellers, the psychic wiener dog (LOL) and the humor, horror, murder and Emily, I thought I may have a roller coaster ride coming. Alas, that was not the case. I don’t know if it was the writing style, which seemed dry to me, or my expectations were too high, but I felt something was lacking and I found it unsuspenseful. I did finish reading it, because I was curious about the murderer and I try to finish every book I pick up. Sometimes the ending will make it worth the read for me. Not this time.

I did not find Beyond Belief by Helen Smith a worthy read, but reviews are subjective so you may want to check this out for yourself.

The 84 Amazon ratings go from 5 to 1 with an overall average of 3.8 out of 5 stars.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos 2 STARS


When famous psychic Perspicacious Peg predicts that someone will drown at the Belief and Beyond conference in the seaside town of Torquay, twenty-six-year-old amateur sleuth Emily Castles is recruited to investigate.

The potential victim of this “future crime” is celebrated magician Edmund Zenon. He provokes outrage and excitement by offering £50,000 to anyone who can prove the existence of the paranormal, then announces he will stage a daring walking-on-water stunt the same weekend.

Potential suspects include local fortune-teller Madame Nova; kindly Bobby Blue Suit and his three psychic dachshunds; grieving parents Sarah and Tim Taylor; and religious cult members Hilary, Trina, and the Colonel.

Edmund Zenon doesn’t believe he’s in danger. If he’s right, Emily will enjoy a weekend of séances and positivity circles, puzzling over nothing more troubling than the fish supper menu at the Poisson d’Avril restaurant.

But if he’s wrong, Emily will have to use good old-fashioned detective skills to solve the case. Fortunately Emily’s best friend, eccentric philosophy professor Dr. Muriel, is on hand to assist.

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Bette Lee Crosby’s What The Heart Remembers Review

Bette Lee Crosby’s What The Heart Remembers is Book III in the Memory House Collection. I have been a fan of Bette Lee’s work since I first began reviewing and blogging in 2012 and remain so, eagerly anticipating each new story.

I love the softness of the cover and will happily travel to Paris with Max. I am excited to learn her story.

Cover:  Damonza.com

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I was very excited to hear Bette Lee has another book for the Memory House Collection, What The Heart Remembers. The Memory House Collection is like a warm pair of arms on a cold winter’s night and I look forward to snuggling under my comfy blanket and beginning to read. I am very eager to learn Max’s story.

I feel these books can stand alone, and familiar characters occasionally return, popping in and out of the stories. Many have gifts, so it is no surprise they find each other and become close friends. 

Ophelia had expected the memories to stay with the house she had given to Annie, but you know what happens with expectations and assumptions. They don’t always turn out the way you plan. Max Martinelli would find out…and so would I.

Max’s story starts when she returns to the States from Paris, but Julienne never showed up as expected. Here we are with expectations again. Do we all do that? Do you? Do you put your life on hold…waiting? Max did. There is only one thing to do…a trip to Paris is in order.

But…you can never go back. Have you ever been to your school reunion or went to visit the house you lived in thirty years ago? Everything changes and life would be pretty boring if it didn’t, don’t you think?

This is one of those times that my expectations might have bushwhacked me. Maybe they were too high, but Max’s story fell a bit flat for me.

Max…what can I say about Max. I first met her in The Loft and she came across as a strong and confident woman, taking nothing from noone, independent and self sufficient. As I read on, to me, she came across as wussy and in denial, unwilling to see the truth. I know her trip to Paris will not turn out like she plans, but Bette always manages to put in a twist or two that keeps me on my toes, a way of spinning the tale to make me feel there is hope and a happy ever after for all of us.

Her books I’ve read have mostly been 5s with a 4 or two thrown in, but I was disappointed with this one. Maybe my expectations were too high. After all, expectations leave us open to disappointment. This is still a worthy book and one you will want to add to your Memory House Collection.

I never fear, there is always the next book…Baby Girl.

I received a copy of What The Heat Remembers by Bette Lee Crosby in return for an honest review.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos 3 Stars



Max Martinelli spent her junior year of college in Paris, and fell in love. Julien was a wickedly handsome young man who was crazy in love with her, or so she thought. He was a free-spirited artist and she an aspiring architect—impressionable, young, and standing on the brink of womanhood.

That was over three years ago but the memory of him still haunts her. Max’s life is stuck on hold because she can’t stop wondering what would have happened if she had gone back. Was Julien simply part of the magic of Paris? Or was he meant to be her destiny?

After a New Year’s Eve party that ends in disaster and bad dreams, Max decides to find out once and for all. She is going to return to Paris and search for Julien. But will her search bring forever after happiness or a truth so ugly it will change her life forever?


Bette Lee CrosbyUSA Today Bestselling and Award-winning novelist Bette Lee Crosby’s books are “Well-crafted storytelling populated by memorable characters caught up in equally memorable circumstances.” – Midwest Book Review

The Seattle Post Intelligencer says Crosby’s writing is, “A quirky mix of Southern flair, serious thoughts about important things in life and madcap adventures.”

Samantha from Reader’s Favorite raves, “Crosby writes the type of book you can’t stop thinking about long after you put it down.”

“Storytelling is in my blood,” Crosby laughingly admits, “My mom was not a writer, but she was a captivating storyteller, so I find myself using bits and pieces of her voice in most everything I write.”

It is the wit and wisdom of that Southern Mama Crosby brings to her works of fiction; the result is a delightful blend of humor, mystery and romance along with a cast of quirky charters who will steal your heart away. Her work was first recognized in 2006 when she received The National League of American Pen Women Award for a then unpublished manuscript. She has since gone on to win twenty awards for her work; these include: The Royal Palm Literary Award, the FPA President’s Book Award Gold Medal, Reader’s Favorite Award Gold Medal, and the Reviewer’s Choice Award.

Crosby’s published works to date are: Blueberry Hill (2014), Previously Loved Treasures (2014), Jubilee’s Journey (2013), What Matters Most (2013), The Twelfth Child (2012), Life in the Land of IS (2012), Cracks in the Sidewalk (2011), Spare Change (2011). A Cupid inspired romance, Wishing for Wonderful, is scheduled for release in November 2014 and Book Three of The Wyattsville Series, Passing through Perfect, will be be available in January 2015.


Esther’s Gift

The Loft

Passing Through Perfect

Memory House

Jubilee’s Journey

Blueberry Hill

What Matters Most

Spare Change

Cupid’s Christmas

Cracks In The Sidewalk

The Twelfth Child


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Friday 56 #74 & BB #50 – No One Lives Forever @JordanDane

The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice.The only rules are to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your ereader and find any sentence or a few ( no spoilers) that grabs you and post it.

Please join Rose City Reader every Friday to share the first sentence or so of the book you are reading along with you initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.

Please include the title of the book and the author’s name.


2016-02-25 05.16.31


Next up on the shelf is No One Lives Forever by Jordan Dane, a romantic suspense.

Book III of the No One Series. The books will stand alone.

A simple cover that makes me wonder…is she dead or alive?


“You trust this woman,”

“Yes, I do,” he lied.

Of course, he’d be the one to make the call on the payout, but he didn’t have the heart to tell her he’d be in Brazil to do it. And if the funds got paid early, Charboneau’s life would have no more value to the kidnappers. Timing would be everything.

(page 56 in paperback)


Gripping in nine-millimeter Beretta, Nicholas Charboneau peered through the peephole of the penthouse suite, responding to a soft knock. The red and black uniforms of hotel personnel should not have given him any cause for alarm. And yet, the hair at the nape of his neck reacted to a rush of adrenaline. Two men stood by a rolling cart of white linen, covered with food platters and a bottle of Brazilian merlot with a distinctive label.


Nothing Is What It Seems

Born to a childhood pitted by violence, Christian Delacorte is desperate for peace when he embarks on a new life with the woman he loves, Detective Raven Mackenzie. But soon his old life comes calling—in the tempting form of a mysterious woman assassin.

When a Deadly Seductress Comes Calling

Jasmine Lee is determined to collect an old marker from Christian. He owes her—big time—and she needs his help freeing her kidnapped lover, Nicholas Charboneau—a powerful mogul linked to Chicago’s underworld. Christian doesn’t trust her, but Jasmine entices him to leave Raven behind when she reveals his shocking connection to Charboneau.

And a Lethal Race Against Time Begins

Christian has seven days to attempt an impossible rescue of the father he never knew. And when a woman assassin with ulterior motives makes a lousy ally, Christian is alone to face the stark reality that no one lives forever . . . and he might be the next to die.

I am a “cover girl”.

What do you like or dislike about the cover?


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The Hatching @ezekiel_boone is Creepalicious

Everything about The Hatching speaks to me, even though I am super freaked out and I shiver as I feel the creepy crawlies running all over me.

I DO NOT like spiders!

The Hatching

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I do not like spiders at all, so The Hatching by Ezekiel Boone was a must read for me. I love to be scared and there isn’t a lot that has me looking over my shoulder and shuddering. I may not EEK when I see a spider, but I do freak out…a little. Here in Florida, with the deadly Brown Recluse, we do need to be cautious. Their bite can be deadly, but at least they won’t eat me, will they?

Brown Recluse.jpg

The creepy cover dared me to take a trip to the jungles of Peru. It reads like the B movies I love and I can see the movie playing out in my mind, I shudder.

Now, Melanie loves spiders, but will she still love them when she is done investigating what the archaeologists sent to her?

Are you ready for the apocalypse? Some of our characters are and that is a very good thing. The characters, at least some of them, will become very familiar with each other and create a family of their own.

I love when horror comes with a little humor and the scene with Annie in the ambulance at the crash site was a hoot. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

The suspense and anticipation from the beginning let me know it is bad, REAL BAD and I’m hoping some of my fave characters will survive.

I keep trying to anticipate the end and think man will win out. Don’t we always?

This fast paced tale of doom and gloom, with a sprinkling of hope here and there, has a fantastic ending that I never saw coming and I LOVE IT! This debut novel rocked my socks off and then made me put them back on…quickly…and my shoes too.

OMG. Creepy. My skin itches, I pick my feet off the floor, what is the movement I see out of the corner of my eye, what is that tingling in my hair…Oh man, I’m really freaking myself out so enough already. You’ll have to read it to find out more. And there will be more. This is a trilogy and I can hardly wait to get my hands on the next book…

I received an ARC of The Hatching by Ezekiel Boone through Edelweiss and the publisher, Simon & Schuster, in return for an honest review.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  5 STARS

Available for Pre-order. This item will be released on July 5, 2016.

This is not the featured spider…or is it?

  I find this so creepy I love to share it whenever I have the chance.

spiders photo: abstract dde08faafc0a8cf5916e15eoe2.gif

Goodreads Blurb:  An astonishingly inventive and terrifying debut horror novel about the emergence of an ancient race of carnivorous spiders, dormant for ten thousand years but now very much awake. There’s a reason we’re afraid of spiders…

A local guide is leading wealthy tourists through a forest in Peru when a strange, black, skittering mass engulfs him and most of the party. FBI Agent Mike Rich is on a routine stakeout in Minneapolis when he’s suddenly called by the director himself to investigate a mysterious plane crash. A scientist studying earthquakes in India registers an unprecedented pattern in local seismic readings. The US president, her defence and national security advisers and her chief of staff are dumped into crisis mode when China “accidentally” drops a nuclear bomb on a desolate region of its own country. As such unsettling occurrences mount, the president’s old friend (and her chief of staff’s ex-wife), spider expert Melanie Guyer, receives a box at her lab at American University that contains an ancient egg unearthed at a South American dig.

So begins The Hatching, the hair-raising saga of a single week in which an ancient, frighteningly predatory species of spider re-emerges in force. When the unusual egg in Melanie Guyer’s lab begins to vibrate and crack, she finds herself at the epicentre of this apocalyptic natural disaster. Working closely with her ex-husband and his very powerful boss, she has to find some way to stem the brutal tide of man-eating arachnids.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR (from Amazon)

Ezekiel BooneI live in upstate New York with my wife and kids. Whenever I travel and say I’m from New York, people think I mean NYC, but we live about three hours north of New York City. Our house is five minutes outside of a university town. We’re far enough out of town that, at night, it’s dark.

Darker than that.

Dark enough that, if you’re not careful, you might fall off the small cliff at the edge of my property. If you’re lucky, the water will be up enough to break your fall. If you’re not lucky, please sign a waiver before you come to visit.

I’ve got two unruly dogs who are mostly friendly. Well, that’s not true. The part about them being unruly is true, but one of them is the most friendly dog you’ve ever met, and the other dog … isn’t. They are good writing partners, though they spend a lot of their day curled up in front of the wood burning stove and ignoring me. Unless I’m making lunch. They pay attention to me then.

THE HATCHING is Ezekiel Boone’s first book, but it’s not actually *my* first book. I also write under the name Alexi Zentner. Alexi Zentner’s books are pretty different from Ezekiel Boone’s.

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