Sherry’s Shelves #6 – Mystery, Murder and Mysticism




Sherry’s Shelves #4 is my weekly update, where I will recap what I have been doing the past week: March 16 – March 22, 2014.
Sunday Post is Hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is Hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
Bought, Borrowed and Bagged is Hosted by TalkSupe

 ***all images are linked to Amazon (I am an affiliate)***

***if listed as free, please check for the “0″***


Picked up for FREE from Amazon

There were so many books that sounded so good, I had to have them. I hope you find something you like too. Let me know.

The Forest at the Edge of the World by Trish Mercer

As soon as I saw the cover, I knew I wanted this book.

I love trees and I am really curious about what is in the field. What do you think it is?



Where Did I Come From – The Adventures of Sammy the Turtle – by Pam Funke

The title was so cute, I felt I had to have this one.



The Golden Cage (A Dance of Dragons 0.5) by Kaitlyn Davis

The colors popped on the cover, then I saw the lady floating in water and then I saw a Dance of Dragons. Doesn’t matter what it is about, I want it.



The Mystery of Jessica Benson by C K Laurence

Suspense/mystery/thrillers are my favorite genre and this screams crime to me.


goodreads-badge-add-plusAlien Species Intervention (Books 1-3) by J K Accinni

A creepily awesome cover that demanded my attention. The more I look at it, the creepier it gets. LOL



Blue Steel by Donald Wells

Seeing Blue, a hot, badass bounty hunter, made me smile and say, “Oh yeah. I can relate to her.”

Donald Wells is a prolific writer. If you like action, check him out.



Sir Arthur Conan Doyle & Harry Houdini in The Adventure of the Spookhouse by C Michael Forsyth



goodreads-badge-add-plusHomecoming (A Finn McCoy Paranormal Thiller #1) by Scott Langrel

I love this scary cover and can hardly wait to read the scary book.



Fry by Lorna Dounaeva

I love this cover and it sounds pretty freaky.

* best indie books of 2013*

I found this book through Lorna on Twitter. Thanks much.



Purified by  Brian Robert Smith

Psychological Thrillers’ June BOTM on Goodreads

Another cover to “die” for. LOL But how will you go out and what is Purified?



Foresight is Flawless (Undercover Series 3) by Sydney Katt

I have not read the first two, but this can stand alone. Cliffhanger ending to be continued in Love Lies Bleeding, which is on your favorite bookshelf now.

I was given the heads up that this book was free by Masquerade Crew.

Foresight is Flawless (Undercover Series 3)



Received for Review

Clay by Tony Bertauski

I have read numerous books of Tony’s and find them very unique and top of the line.

Hit the Search button to see my reviews for his awesome books, well worth checking out.



Battle Not With Monsters

I will be reviewing this for a tour with Expresso on 6/16/2014, so be sure and stop by to get my take and this very interesting book.



I’ll be Damned and Saved by The Spell from The Anna Wolfe Series by Casey Keem.

I will be reviewing the books in the near future and touring with Paranormal Cravings on 6/18/2014.

Check out these awesome covers.





Crimson Sins by Madeline Pryce

A little something to keep me on my toes.

I have heard this is sizzling, so be prepared for the heat.




I won all these goodies on fuonlyknew’s blog by entering a tour contest for Finding Eden by Pembroke Sinclair ~  a Zombie survival kit tour contest.


finding eden prize pic


Last week on fundinmental

This week on fundinmental

I never know what might pop up, so upcoming events are always subject to change.

I will also be doing some of the memes that I love so much.

Book Blast Giveaway for beachy Paradise Coast by Renee Novelle

Ghostly Tour for The Complete Good Luck Agency by K S Augustin with Giveaway

Awesome launch giveaway for Jennifer Armentrout’s LUX series: Beginnings and  Consequences

I am going Through The Door with Jodi McIsaac and Cedar McLeod on a Celtic adventure

Portals: A Fantasy Anthology Book Blitz Giveaway

Inkheart Authors presents your new adult top ten summer reads by seven authors

Book Blast for Long Claws by Steve Peek


To see all my Reviews, go HERE.
To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?

animated smilies photo: animated animated.gifLook on the right sidebar at Home and let’s talk.


Ghostly Tour for The Complete Good Luck Agency by K S Augustin with Giveaway


This post contains all the tour information for The Complete Check Your Luck Agency by K S Augustin, along with a Guest Post and Giveaway. I would like to start with the Guest Post. So, let’s meet and talk with K S Augustin.


Two fishes, both out of water.

Well, the first thing I need to do is thank Sherry for her lovely invitation to blog here. And the second is to tell you why I asked to be here in the first place!

I have a book. (You’ve probably guessed that already.) And it’s an urban fantasy, located in south-east Asia and based on some south-east Asian beliefs. I say “some” because, really, there are just so many, you can spend an entire life writing them all down and still not cover everything. But, you know, it was all so interesting that I knew I had to make something out of all of it, and that’s how THE COMPLETE CHECK YOUR LUCK AGENCY was born.

When you have a different world to what your readers are used to, the first thing you must do is build a bridge between the two, a way of linking both worlds so that you, the reader, can understand what’s going on and what it all means. So my protagonist, Ursula Formosa, is essentially a fish out of water. Her parents emigrated to the United Kingdom when she was little and now, after their deaths, she’s back, trying to make sense of a homeland that is really much stranger than she anticipated.

That’s where Ursula and I coincide because, as far as Singapore and Malaysia are concerned, I’m a fish out of water as well. My own parents emigrated (to Australia) when I was little and, although it’s taken more time, I’m back. I think this made it easier to write the books because everything had a “new to me” sheen. I could relive the moments when unwrapping a banana-leaf packet of nasi lemak (literally, “fat rice”!) or catching a scent of an equatorial rainforest. Being Western-educated, like Ursula, I was able to identify facets that are uniquely Asian, and explain them to my mostly Western readers. Of course, how well I did that is up to you, the reader, to decide.

Have you seen any commercials/advertisements on south-east Asia recently? Chances are, if you have, food was prominently featured. Here’s where I think I’ve got it over Ursula. She likes food but she also watches her weight (as the restaurant scene with ghost, Simon Oakland, illustrates). Me, I’m waaay past that. LOL I love food. The bigger the variety, the better. And, because it’s an intrinsic part of south-east Asia, food made its way into the book, to the extent that a couple of reviewers have described it as “food porn”. Ah, that term still tickles me!

Although Ursula and I are two completely different people (sometimes I felt like yelling at her: “Get on with it, already!”), we have some important elements in common. And it’s nice to know that, whatever scrapes Ursula gets into in the future, there’ll always be a bit of me tagging along.

“Food porn”  I love the Guest Post and I feel my readers will enjoy it too. Thanks, Kaz for stopping by to entertain us. ^_^



The Complete Check Your Luck Agency by K.S. Augustin


 Sometimes life is stranger than fiction.

 After the tragic death of her parents, and with nothing left tying her to the United Kingdom, Ursula Formosa returns to her homeland and a job with the eccentrically-named Singapore firm, “The Check Your Luck Agency”.

What begins as an attempt to stave off boredom turns into a new way of life as the scales drop from Ursula’s eyes and she tentatively enters a realm that contains vengeful ghosts, toyol, demons, pontianak and curses, not to mention old-fashioned fraud and larceny. As she befriends bomohs, mediums and a young woman already centuries old, Ursula’s ideas of friendship expand into a fresh view of the world that surrounds her.

But she isn’t going to be left to ease into things. A criminal mastermind, who is also a powerful sorcerer, is gathering mythical creatures to help him possess every living soul in Singapore, and he isn’t about to let the members of The Check Your Luck Agency stand in his way!



“Did you have any difficulty finding the house?” Evelyn Long asked as she led me up a short flight of concrete steps.

“Well, the taxi driver wasn’t too keen to drive down the lane.”

Evelyn nodded her head. “The ignorant fear what they don’t understand,” she said.

I made a noise that might have indicated I agreed with her sentiment, and left it at that.

“I’m afraid Alfred is still meditating,” she began.

“I’m sorry,” I cut in, a shade too quickly, “I knew I shouldn’t have come. Perhaps I could pay him another visit some other time?”

I turned as if to leave and Evelyn Long grabbed me by the arm. No, “grabbed” was too gentle a term for it. Although her movement was smooth and she appeared to hold me lightly, I knew I would not be able to wrench free of her grasp without breaking flesh or limbs, or both, all of them mine. I looked up at her, startled, but saw nothing beyond polite interest. There wasn’t an ounce of strain on her face, nothing to show that she had me manacled with her slim, delicate-looking fingers.

Who – or what – was Evelyn Long?

“He won’t be much longer,” she said, as if commenting on the weather. “He’s been waiting to see you for more than a month now. We’re both glad you visited.”

And I suddenly realised that nobody knew where I was. Long and his supernaturally strong wife could do whatever they wanted with me, dispose of my dead body no doubt in the acres of primeval jungle behind their house and nobody would be the wiser. A wave of energy suddenly thrummed beneath my feet, a surge so strong I was sure that Long’s wife was able to feel it pulse through my body and travel to hers at our menacing point of contact.

“Why don’t I get you something to drink? You can relax while I fetch Alfred.”

**Do you there is trouble ahead when you go alone on a supernatural call**



VBT_The_Complete_Check_Your_Luck_Agency_Book_Cover_Banner_copyKS “Kaz” Augustin loves writing human stories, whether set on Earth or out among the stars. Malaysian-born, she has travelled a goodly portion of the world and lived to tell the tale! Her urban fantasy release, The Complete Check Your Luck Agency, consists of five books, exploring the myths and legends of the melting-pot that is south-east Asia. Come for the food, stay for the monsters! (Ghosts included at no extra charge.)

As if all that’s not enough, she’s also Chief Editor of the free online quarterly magazine, Sci-Fi Romance Quarterly.

 Website  / SandPressOnline  /  Twitter @SandalPress

The Complete Check Your Luck Agency is available from:

 Amazon  /   Amazon UK  /   Apple  /   Barnes & Noble  /   OmniLit  /   Tomely

Get your Amazon copy of The Complete Check Your Luck Agency by K S Augustin by clicking on the cover below.

The Complete Check Your Luck Agency~~~~~~~~~~~~


taiwan flag smiley animated gif Pictures, Images and PhotosThe author will be awarding a $25 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour.

Please comment on the cover or guest post.

Follow the tour and comment; the more YOU comment, the better YOUR chances of winning. The tour dates can be found by clicking on the image below:

Goddess Fish Partner


To see all my Reviews, go HERE.
To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?

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Book Blast Giveaway for beachy Paradise Coast by Renee Novelle

This isn’t your average happily ever after…
Publication Date: 4/30/2014

Genre: Contemporary Women’s Fiction, Satire 

Welcome to Naples, Florida! Where the beaches are perfect and every day is a vacation. But in this small town paradise that serves as a playground for the rich and elite, not everything is as beautiful as it first appears on the surface. 

Offering an irreverent, and often sarcastic, glimpse into all the sexy scandals that go on behind closed doors, Paradise Coast, delves into the shadows of another way of life and proves that money doesn’t always buy happiness. Following five couples as they navigate their way through love, expectations and revenge, this story explores how different personalities react when faced with unsavory realizations about their current states of affairs. 

Authors Note: This is not a romance. There are no alpha heroes who swoop in to save the day, or brooding bad boys who are easily converted into marriage material. If that’s what you’re searching for, then keep looking. Inside these pages is an unparalleled drama with many happy endings, but not so many happily-ever-afters. At least, not in the traditional sense… It’s a story about quick-witted women who find creative ways of empowering themselves and rising above their conflicting situations.

Purchase Paradise Coast


Formerly a freelance journalist, Novelle has found placement of her pieces in both online and print publications since 2008. Additionally, she has written multiple screenplays, and contributed her writing to many non-profit and for profit organizations. She has launched several blogs over the years, which garnered international attention.

In 2013, Novelle returned to her first love – fiction. Writing under the names Renee Novelle and R.S. Novelle, she has a publication schedule that includes Psychological Thrillers, Suspense, Paranormal Fiction, Contemporary Women’s fiction, Chick Lit, and New Adult.

Though she received her Bachelor’s of Science in Communication, summa cum laude, she considers herself a constant student of the written word. She’s an avid reader, an enthusiastic quote poster, and rarely takes “no” as a final answer. She has an unhealthy obsession for theater, dance, music and art, and strongly believes that wine is simultaneously the beginning of, and resolution to, all of life’s problems. She believes in following dreams, and that in the end, you always end up where you’re meant to be. 

Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads  |  Pinterest | Instagram
You can pick up your copy of Paradise Coast or to learn more about Renee Novelle, click on the cover below.

taiwan flag smiley animated gif Pictures, Images and PhotosGiveaway:  $25 Amazon/B&N Giftcard or a Book Depository shopping spree. Open Internationally.      Ends 6/13.






To see all my Reviews, go HERE.
To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?

animated smilies photo: animated animated.gifLook on the right sidebar at Home and let’s talk.
