Teaser Tuesday #43 – Bleedovers by William Todd Rose


Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of adailyrhythm.

Anyone can play along! Just do the following: Grab your current read. Open to a random page. Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!


Bleedovers by William Todd Rose is a dark horror novella. It is available for pre order.

Cover links to Amazon.

Bleedovers: A Dystopian Novella
Add Me to Goodreads now.


According to protocol, Nodens was supposed to have been no different than the equipment that kept him alive: just another useful tool, destined to break down and be replaced with a newer model. Knowing protocol, however, was not necessarily the same as following it.

(18% on Kindle)


Sure to thrill readers of Stephen King, Joe Hill, and Dean Koontz—William Todd Rose’s new dark horror novella is a tale of bloody retribution that blurs the line between the waking world and the terrors of the night.

There’s only one thing standing between humanity and the dark forces of the supernatural: the secret agency known as The Institute. The organization depends on regular guys like Chuck, a Level I Recon and Enforcement Technician who guides tormented spirits into the next life.

From an office deep underground, Chuck projects his spirit into Crossfades, monstrous realms where the souls of the dead, unable to move on due to fear or anger, devise macabre tortures for themselves and one another. He’s always been able to leave his work behind at the end of the day . . . until now.

First in dreams, then in waking nightmares, Crossfades are bleeding into the physical world. And now it’s up to Chuck—along with his partner, a woman named Control—to put a stop to it. Because there’s no telling what might come over from the other side.


Covers link to Amazon


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FREE Plus a Giveaway- BORN TO MAGIC by David Wind


Born To Magic
by David Wind
Series: Tales of Nevaeh: Volume 1
Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy
Release Date: February 15, 2015



Welcome to Nevaeh—where magic has replaced technology.

Long ago, the violence and radiation of terrorist wars killed America. Descendants of the survivors now dwell in a world of ritual and magic, where ten dominions struggle for supremacy and a dark, formidable power has emerged.

Areenna, the only daughter of the King of Freemorn, is barely eighteen, yet her psychic ability is strong. She is called to The Island and learns that the fate of her world is in her hands. She must undertake a perilous journey to save Nevaeh from malicious destruction. But she will not travel alone.

Mikaal, the son of the High King of Nevaeh, has just as much at stake as Areenna. The quest takes them through haunted wastelands filled with mutants while a vile and evil force will do everything in its power to stop them—for it wants Nevaeh as its own.


“My Lord,” Enaid called.

Turning to his wife, the High King of Nevaeh raised his eyebrows.

“All but two have arrived.  They are quartered and being fed.  Freemorn and Lokinhold will be here in the morning.”

“Thank you,” he said.

She took his hand and gently squeezed it.  “You must go and greet them.”

“In a moment,” he whispered.

“What troubles you?”

“The past,” he said, seeing not the woman standing before him, but the world he had come from, and knowing every aspect of his previous life was gone…except for memories.




Book 2: The Dark Masters: Tales of Nevaeh, Volume Two



I live and write in a small village about thirty miles upstate of NYC, and share my home with my wife, Bonnie and our dog Alfie, an apricot poodle.

When I began writing in 1980, I had no idea where I was headed. Since then, I’ve published thirty-five novels, thirty-three of them with traditional publishers, but I decided I wanted more freedom than the traditional publishers would allow and began a new phase in my life as an Independent Author.

Sci-Fi & fantasy has always been my most favorite genre.   My first novel in the genre, Queen Of Knights was a medieval / historical fantasy and reached #2 on the amazon.com bestseller lists for historical fantasy and medieval fantasy, and my sci-fi of parallel worlds, The Others, received wide acclaim.

My first Independent novel Angels In Mourning, was my ‘homage’ to the old time private detective books of the late 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.  I used to love to sneak them from my parents’ night-tables and read them as a young boy.  Angels, is a modern day take on the old style hardboiled detective.  Angels In Mourning won the Amazon.com Book of the Month Reader’s Choice Award shortly after it was published.

My most current thriller, The Cured,  was written with Terese Ramin.The idea for this Medical Thriller came shortly after the death of a close friend.  I couldn’t help but wonder about the medication….

My previous suspense thrillers are The Hyte Maneuver, (a Literary guild alternate selection); As peace Lay Dying, Conspiracy of Mirrors, And Down will Come Baby, Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep and Shadows.







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Sherry’s Shelves #41 – Books & Fun

Sherry’s Shelves is my weekly update for June 7  – June 13, 2015. Happy to have you join me for some books & fun.


Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

Bought, Borrowed & Bagged is hosted by TalkSupe

**all images are linked to Amazon (I am an affiliate)**


I have been doing a lot of reading, writing and blogging and imagine you have too. My mom is here and we have been splashing around the pool and playing Skip-bo, a card game. Do you have a favorite game you play?


NEW to fundinmental

I got this last week when it was free on Amazon. If you want to check out more, stop by Bad Bird Reads on Sundays for Amazon and Nook freebies.

Carrots (Shelby Nichols, #1)

Eclipse Lake

Creepy, Book 1: A Collection of Ghost Stories and Paranormal Short Stories (Creepy Series)



I am approved for Bleedovers from Net Galley and it is available for pre order from Amazon by clicking on the cover. It is a dystopian novella.

Bleedovers: A Dystopian Novella


WINNINGSI won some goodies, but I will wait for them to come in to share.

Hope you had some come your way. 😀


LAST WEEK ON fundinmental

Sherry’s Shelves #40 ~ Books and Fun

Review – Fanfrickingtastic ~ Review: Celeste by Kristine Mason

Giveaway ~ The Kaleidoscope by BK Nault

Giveaway & Review – An Exotic Island & Murder ~ One Particular Harbor by Chip Bell

Teaser Tuesday #42 ~ One Particular Harbor by Chip Bell

Water or Land ~ Of Ocean and Ash by @ADraeger

Giveaway & Review – Who’s afraid of a little kitty kat ~ Kittens Can Kill by Clea Simon

Review – Assassins & Thrills – Blown by Chuck Barrett Review

M9B Two for Thursday Book Blitz – Secret of the Corpse Eater by Ty Drago and Shadows Fall Away by Kit Forbes with Giveaway #T4T

Do Blondes Have More Fun? A Season for Killing Blondes Giveaway

Giveaway ~ Time Traveling Hookers by S E Burr

Free – Love’s Sorrow by Terri Rochenski

Giveaway & Guest Post for Bound by Spells by Stormy Smith

M9B Friday Reveal: ALA feature on Scott Craven and Donna Galanti with Giveaway #M9BFridayReveals

Giveaway – Polarity in Motion by Brenda Vicars


THIS WEEK ON fundinmental

This is always subject to change, hopefully in a good way. :-)

Sherry’s Shelves

Welcome to Jurassic Park where Dinosaurs Rule

Giveaway – Born to Magic

Teaser Tuesday

Review – Sarai’s Fortune

Review – Scales

Giveaway – Dark and Damaged


What have you been up to this weekend?


To see all my Reviews, go HERE.
To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?

animated smilies photo: animated animated.gifLook on the right sidebar and let’s talk.


Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.

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If you are a member too, please stop by and follow. I will follow back.


Welcome to Jurassic Park where Dinosaurs Rule

CHECK THIS OUT!!! The Jurassic Park Official Movie Trailers!

Two, count them two. Double your pleasure, for double the fun.

Anyone that knows me will, knows I am a critter lover.

I rarely go to the movies, but do watch a lot at home.

That being said, bring on IMAX 3D, please.

Dinosaurs running wild, humans interacting with them, a hybrid…Uh Oh.

Don’t they learn anything. 😈

I love the opening…

Timmy: What do you call a blind dinosaur?

Dr. Grant: … i don’t what do you call a blind dinosaur?

Timmy: Doyouthinkhesaurus? What do you call a blind dinosaur’s dog

Dr. Grant: you got me.

Timmy: Doyouthinkhesaurus rex

I have watched Jurassic Park I at least half a dozen times in the past two weeks.

I just cannot get enough.


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M9B Friday Reveal: ALA feature on Scott Craven and Donna Galanti with Giveaway #M9BFridayReveals


Welcome to this week’s M9B Friday Reveal!

This week, we are featuring

Scott Craven and Donna Galanti

who will be appearing and signing at ALA!


Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!

Joshua and The Lightning Road

Stay away from the window, don’t go outside when it’s storming and whatever you do, do not touch the orb.

Twelve-year-old Joshua Cooper’s grandpa has always warned him about the dangers of lightning. But Joshua never put much stock in his grandpa’s rumblings as anything more than the ravings of an old man with a vast imagination. Then one night, when Joshua and his best friend are home alone during a frightful storm, Joshua learns his grandpa was right. A bolt of lightning strikes his house and whisks away his best friend—possibly forever.

To get him back, Joshua must travel the Lightning Road to a dark place that steals children for energy. But getting back home and saving his friend won’t be easy, as Joshua must face the terrifying Child Collector and fend off ferocious and unnatural beasts intent on destroying him.

In this world, Joshua possesses powers he never knew he had, and soon, Joshua’s mission becomes more than a search for his friend. He means to send all the stolen children home—and doing so becomes the battle of his life.

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Donna Galanti

Donna is the author of the Joshua and The Lightning Road series and the Element Trilogy. She is a contributing editor to International Thriller Writers the Big Thrill magazine and blogs at www.project-middle-grade-mayhem.blogs…, a cooperative of published middle grade authors. Visit her at www.donnagalanti.com and www.ElementTrilogy.com. Donna wanted to be a writer ever since she wrote a murder mystery screenplay at seven and acted it out with the neighborhood kids. She attended an English school housed in a magical castle, where her wild imagination was held back only by her itchy uniform (bowler hat and tie included!). There she fell in love with the worlds of C.S. Lewis and Roald Dahl, and wrote her first fantasy about Dodo birds, wizards, and a flying ship (and has been writing fantasy ever since). She’s lived in other exotic locations, including her family-owned campground in New Hampshire and in Hawaii where she served as a U.S. Navy photographer. She now lives with her family and two crazy cats in an old farmhouse and dreams of returning one day to a castle.


Author Links: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Pinterest | Instagram | YouTube

Dead Jed: Adventures of A Middle School Zombie

Dead Jed is Shaun of the Dead meets Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Jed’s not your typical junior high geek. He is, to use the politically-correct term, cardiovascularly-challenged. And while his parents have attempted to shield him from the implications of being ‘different’ for as long as they could (Jed was 8 and at a friend’s sister’s birthday party when he blew his lips off onto the cake in front of everyone, finally prompting the “Big Talk” from his parents and an emergency SuperGlue repair by his dad), 7th grade at Pine Hollow Middle School as a target of Robbie the supreme school bully and his pack of moronic toadies is rapidly becoming unbearable.
From being stuffed in a filled trash can as “dead meat” and into a trophy case as the bully’s “prize,” to literally having his hand pulled off in the boys’ room (Jed’s always losing body parts. Luckily, a good stapler and some duct tape and he’s back in the action) and a cigarette put in it and try to frame him for the recent reports of smoking in the school, Jed’s had enough and is ready to plan his revenge. Besides, it’s awesome what you can do when you’re already dead!

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Dead Jed 2: Dawn of the Jed

The first part of seventh grade was rough on Jed, but things are looking up now that Christmas is almost here. As with past Christmases, Jed asks for the one thing he’s always wanted–a dog–and again, his parents tell him they’re not ready. But fate has a different plan when Jed sees a dog get run over by a car. Then, it happens. Jed suddenly has a pet, Tread, a zombie dog bearing his namesake–a tire tread down his back. Jed may have gained a dog, but he loses his best friend Luke, who fears the way Jed created his undead pet.

When Jed returns to school, he finds a mysterious group called the No Zombies Now Network spreading rumors of the dangers the undead pose to normal people. Forced to disprove Hollywood stereotypes, Jed has his work cut out for him as stories of a zombie dog begin to circulate. Jed could be expelled if he can’t expose the NZN Network as a fraud. Jed needs help from his kind of girlfriend Anna, especially after he discovers Luke has joined the shadowy group.

Once again navigating the treacherous waters of middle school, Jed does his best to stay in one piece. Only this time he’ll need even more duct tape and staples than usual.

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Scott Craven

Proud graduate of Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, have one son who will turn 18 in March 2013, now a features writer for The Arizona Republic.

Connect with the Author: Website | Twitter


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a Rafflecopter giveaway



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Giveaway & Guest Post for Bound by Spells by Stormy Smith

Welcome to my stop for Bound By Spells by Stormy Smith.


I am happy to be able have Stormy Smith here today, sharing her thought on Bound by Spells. Welcome, Stormy.


We caught up with the author, Stormy Smith, and asked her to give us five non-spoiler facts we should know about Bound by Spells, and here is what she had to say.

Bound by Spells, in Five Words – List five words that describe Bound by Spells the best, and tell us why.

Action – Bound by Spells drops you right into the story and basically doesn’t quit. You’ll follow Amelia and Aidan separately, but meet a lot of new faces and never stop learning along the way.

Growth – Both Amelia and Aidan are young, just eighteen and nineteen. They are still figuring out who they are and what they are capable of. As the story progresses, you’re going to see some significant change out of both of them.

Connections – As a reader walking along with Amelia and Aidan, you’ll make a lot of connections between what you learned in Bound by Duty and what the realities of their situations truly are. You’ll also find the ties between some of our central secondary characters.

Friendship – If you were hoping to see Bethany again, of course I brought her back! But, there are also a lot of new friends introduced, and the whole story is impacted by friendships that were forged (or broken) years ago.

Love – Because at the heart of every good story and complicated ending is love. Sometimes it is between hearts, and sometimes it is the bond between people who are simply tied together by the will of another. But love changes everything.

If you want to check out this awesome series, which has 190 combined 5-star reviews on Amazon, we’ve got everything you need below.

Bound by Spells Final Web

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Bound by Spells by Stormy Smith
(Bound #2)
Publication date: March 19th 2015
Genres: New Adult, Paranormal

Aidan Montgomery hadn’t been prepared for Amelia Bradbury to walk in and then out of his life. He also hadn’t expected to find the powerful magic hidden deep within him for the last nineteen years, but he’s embracing it — finding more control and more answers every day. Now, with the help of Amelia’s best friend, Bethany, Aidan is on a quest to understand his destiny and find Amelia.

Amelia decided to stand by her duty, which meant walking away from her first chance at love. Trapped in Cresthaven at the Queen’s mercy, she spends her days with Micah — an ally she still holds at arm’s length — struggling to manage her heartbreak while keeping her mind focused on the task at hand. As she continues to unlock the secrets of the Keeper power, Queen Julia’s true motives reveal themselves, forcing Amelia to decide, yet again, how much she’s willing to sacrifice.

Will Aidan get to Amelia before it’s too late, or will the very power that sustains them keep them apart?

Purchase: (Book 1 will be only 0.99c during the blitz!) Amazon  / B&N
Bound by Duty Cover

Amelia grew up in a world of half-truths. She knows she’s an Elder but has no idea what that means. Her father reminds her daily that she must maintain control but he refuses to explain why. Even worse, she’s betrothed to the prince of the Immortals and she doesn’t even know his name.

Finally breaking free to live a few normal years at a community college, the last thing Amelia expects is to find her best friend in a cheeky Southern girl and to fall for a self-assured human who sees her for who she is and not what she’ll be.

As she learns more about herself, Amelia realizes the line between love and duty is a thin one. As her power continues to increase exponentially and her questions are slowly answered, Amelia must make the ultimate choice. The question is, will her head or her heart win the battle?


Profile Pic Low ResStormy Smith calls Iowa’s capital home now, but was raised in a tiny town in the Southeast corner of the state. She grew to love books honestly, having a mom that read voraciously and instilled that same love in her. She knew quickly that stories of fantasy were her favorite, and even as an adult gravitates toward paranormal stories in any form.

Writing a book had never been an aspiration, but suddenly the story was there and couldn’t be stopped. When she isn’t working on, or thinking about,  her books, Stormy’s favorite places include bar patios, live music shows, her yoga mat or anywhere she can relax with her husband or girlfriends.

If you want to stay tuned in to all of the new release news, sign up for Stormy’s spam-free newsletter. It only comes out when something exciting is happening…promise!  http://eepurl.com/WLlq1

Get more information on her website – www.stormysmith.com.

Author links:  Blog  /  Facebook  /  Twitter Goodreads
Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL)
  • $40 Amazon Gift Card


To see all my Reviews, go HERE.

To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.

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Free – Love’s Sorrow by Terri Rochenski

Yes, you read that title right…

Be sure to share this offer with your followers & cyber buds…it’s only available for FREE download until Friday!

Love’s Sorrow
Means of Mercy #1
by Terri Rochenski

Release Date: April 21, 2014
Genre: Historical Romance
Keywords: Romance, Historical, Series, Civil War, Scotland, 19th Century, America

Hired as a nanny for her cousin’s children, Anne Tearle finds security and a loving family. The children are a dream, but London society is a world of its own, one where a displaced farm girl has no business being. But, wealthy rake, Gavin MacKay, helps her to see associating with the upper class might not be as horrid as she first assumed. 

Like all things worthwhile, love comes at a price, and the cost soon bestows more anguish than joy. Lost, but not undone, Anne must find the courage to begin life anew, or succumb to sorrow’s unrelenting waves of grief.


5 Harleys!! – Harlie’s Book Reviews
“Do yourself a favor and buy this book.  Put it on the top of your TBR pile and spend a day with Anne and Gavin.  You will feel gutted, stunned and just plain open-mouthed in the end.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you but this book is not to be ignored.  Ms. Rochenski has written a brilliantly, in some ways brutal, book that everyone must read and then come back and cry with me.  Only 7 months until the next book.”
 5 Stars! – Amazon Review
“This is not a cookie cutter romance that can be found in every bookstore. I applaud Terri Rochenski for writing the truth about Love. It can be faked, and people learn everyday in all walks of life that they have been used by people that they thought loved them.
I’m excited to see Anne’s journey continues with Love’s Revenge. It is a book I’ll definitely read.”
5 Stars! – Amazon Review
“I have to admit when I read the blurb and first started reading Love’s Sorrow I though it was a very well written but run of the mill historical romance, but don’t be mistaken I do not at all regret reading this book in fact I am avidly awaiting the next installment and believe me if I could help Terri Rochenski in any way for it to be out earlier I would.”
4 Stars!  Amazon Review
“If you want a feel-good, not-too-realistic romance, don’t read this book. If you want a realistic depiction of London in the 1800s, society’s prejudices, people’s selfishness and love and all its agony, this is the book for you.”


To see all my Reviews, go HERE.

To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.

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Giveaway ~ Time Traveling Hookers by S E Burr

MBB_TourBanner_TimeTravelingHookers copy

S. E. Burr’s title, TIME TRAVELING HOOKERS, sounded way too funny to me and I just had to share it. 😳



Three modern day roommates and recent college grads take a time machine back to the Wild West. The time machine breaks, stranding them in the past where they are forced to join a brothel to survive.

With the help of future technology, they’re able to trick their customers into thinking they’re getting what they pay for, without actually having to do the deed.

But the scam involves getting much more up close and personal with smelly, 19th century hicks than germaphobe and prude, Anastasia, is comfortable with.

One customer seems sweeter, more attractive, and better groomed than the rest. Could she actually fall for a cowboy from the dirty, disgusting past?



“I’m not going to have sex with him,” said Anastasia.

“With who?” said Beth.

“With him,” Anastasia repeated.

“Who him?” asked Mare.

“Him, John,” Anastasia said.

“John?” Mare bit her lip, confused.

Beth sighed. “Who’s John, Anastasia?”

“John is what the men who have sex with prostitutes are called.”

“What? All of them?” Mare asked.

Anastasia nodded.

“No,” Beth said. “They are not all named John. Not only men named John have sex with whores.”

“Language!” said Anastasia.

Beth groaned. “That’s quite enough, Anastasia. If we’re going to do this you’ll have to get far less prudish about many things. Language is the least of them.”

“I’m not going to do this,” Anastasia said. “I already told you. I’m not going to have sex with him.”

“Who?” Mare asked again.

“Anyone!” Anastasia said.

“You’re not going to have sex with anyone?” asked Beth. Her voice sounded mocking. “Ever?”

“Maybe,” said Anastasia, “Maybe not, but I’m certainly not going to have sex with anyone in this century. Do you have any idea how filthy they are?”

Beth laughed. “No filthier than you are,” she said.

Mare grimaced. “She has a point, Anastasia.”

“I know,” said Anastasia, looking down at herself. She had a strong desire to pinch her nose. She was dirty, absolutely covered in dust. To see it, to feel it on her skin, made her cringe. She hated, HATED, being dirty, but here she was dressed in a ridiculous gold-rush era dress that somehow collected every speck of soil, decay, and body odor around and on her.


AUTHOR Bio and Links

S.E. Burr wrote Time Traveling Hookers over the course of a weekend at a Tom Bird writing retreat in Santa Fe, NM. It is based on a dream she had a few weeks prior to the retreat, but she did no advanced planning of the plot. She was very surprised to discover that the story was a romance, as she did not often read romances, let alone write them. She quite enjoyed the experience and intends to write more romances in the future, but cautions that what she intends to write and what she actually writes can be two very different things.

She is the author of the young adult novel, Goblin Fruit, inspired by the poem “Goblin Market” by Christina Rossetti. The sequel, Goblin Girl, is coming soon. It was inspired by her desire to find out more of the story.

A nearly lifelong resident of rural New Mexico, S.E. Burr loves the desert, her family, and her cat.

Twitter: @serinburr

BUY Links

The buy links will not be available until the day before the tour.



The author is awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter.



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Do Blondes Have More Fun? A Season for Killing Blondes Giveaway


A Season for Killing Blondes
by Joanne Guidoccio
Genre: Cozy Mystery

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Release Date: June 12, 2015



Hours before the opening of her career counseling practice, Gilda Greco discovers the dead body of golden girl Carrie Ann Godfrey, neatly arranged in the dumpster outside her office. Gilda’s life and budding career are stalled as Detective Carlo Fantin, her former high school crush, conducts the investigation.

When three more dead blondes turn up all brutally strangled and deposited near Gilda’s favorite haunts, she is pegged as a prime suspect for the murders. Frustrated by Carlo’s chilly detective persona and the mean girl antics of Carrie Ann’s meddling relatives, Gilda decides to launch her own investigation. She discovers a gaggle of suspects, among them a yoga instructor in need of anger management training, a lecherous photographer, and fourteen ex-boyfriends.

As the puzzle pieces fall into place, shocking revelations emerge, forcing Gilda to confront the envy and deceit she has long overlooked.


Carlo had removed his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his light blue dress shirt. His tie lay on the desk. The rumpled look suited him to a tee. And his large black-rimmed glasses accentuated those unforgettable blue eyes. Bluer than blue. Sky blue. Cornflower blue. Robin’s egg blue. Years ago, Adele Martino and I had come up with thirty-seven descriptions of Carlo Fantin’s eyes when Mrs. Gillespie assigned one of her Monday morning English composition exercises. As I tried to recall the other thirty-three, I realized that Carlo was speaking to me.

“…he’ll be taking notes as well.”

Darn! Another officer in the room, and I had missed his name and more importantly, his title. Was he a detective or a constable? I’m sure Sofia would know. In the meantime, I better stop daydreaming and start listening. I nodded in the direction of the beefy officer. Dark hair. Dark eyes. Expertly trimmed moustache. A big bear of a man who reminded me of Magnum P.I.

Carlo cleared his throat. He was ready to get down to business. Police business. “It appears that Carrie Ann was your first client. You haven’t opened this office for business yet. How did that happen?”

My heart raced as I spoke. “After Sofia and my mother left…I’m not certain about the time…um…I…I heard a knock at the front window. I looked up and saw Carrie Ann. Hadn’t seen her in ages.” I paused and then added, “Still wearing the same pageboy hair style and that blonde color—”

Carlo waved his hand. “Stick to the facts, please.”

I felt myself reddening as those piercing blue eyes bored right through me. “Oh, sorry. Um, I let Carrie Ann in.”

“And?” Carlo said when I hesitated.

I shrugged. “We just talked for a while, then, uh…” I closed my eyes and tried to recall the conversation. But nothing concrete came to mind, only Carrie Ann’s infectious laugh and bubbly compliments about the decorating scheme. When I opened my eyes, the other officer offered me a water bottle. I thanked him and gulped down half the contents.

“You scheduled her for a session tomorrow morning,” Carlo said as he held up my appointment book. “Carrie Ann is…was considered one of the best interior designers in town. Why would she need counseling from you?” His dark brows drew together in a suspicious frown. “Were you planning to tell her to give it up?”






In high school, Joanne dabbled in poetry, but it would be over three decades before she entertained the idea of writing as a career. She listened to her practical Italian side and earned degrees in mathematics and education. She experienced many fulfilling moments as she watched her students develop an appreciation (and sometimes, love) of mathematics. Later, she obtained a postgraduate diploma as a career development practitioner and put that skill set to use in the co-operative education classroom. She welcomed this opportunity to help her students experience personal growth and acquire career direction through their placements.

In 2008, she took advantage of early retirement and decided to launch a second career that would tap into her creative side and utilize her well-honed organizational skills. Slowly, a writing practice emerged. Her articles and book reviews were published in newspapers, magazines, and online. When she tried her hand at fiction, she made reinvention a recurring theme in her novels and short stories. A member of Sisters in Crime, Crime Writers of Canada, and Romance Writers of America, Joanne writes paranormal romance, cozy mysteries, and inspirational literature from her home base of Guelph, Ontario.







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