FREE Zombies – Mutation Z by Marilyn Peake @marilynpeake

I am so happy to have Marilyn Peak here with her Mutation Z zombie novellas.

Book III has just come out, so you are in the catbird’s seat.

Mutation Z: The Ebola Zombies is FREE

Mutation Z: The Ebola Zombies

Goodreads  /  Amazon

Cover Art:  Mike Tabor


The first book I read from Marilyn Peake was The Fisherman’s Son, a middle grade fantasy. I was so surprised to find that she does adult horror, Mutation Z zombie horror, as a matter of fact. Her writing is so good, it doesn’t matter what genre she writes, I will be reading.

The Mutation Z series is a post apocalyptic look at life after zombies.

Emma Johnson is a spoiled, rich kid who sets off the adventure of a lifetime, as a volunteer nurse in Africa. The Ebola crisis is so much more than she could have ever imagined.

Dr. Gustavo Tovar is the tour guide for the new recruits. She picked up bad vibes from him, but shook them off. He stressed the necessity of never wandering off on their own. With such a highly infectious disease, they must proceed with extreme caution.

Well, hell, we all know they are going to fuck up and fuck up in a big way.

Something struck me wrong from the very beginning. The creep factor was running on high.

This conspiracy, horror novella scared the bejesus out of me. It started out fast and never let up. Every time I turned around, something was there to creep me out. I mean, think about it, a highly infectious disease is lurking, just waiting for you to make a mistake. A conspiracy is operating behind closed doors and when Emma stumbles in there is no turning back. I love this series and would highly recommend it to all horror lovers.

If Zombies are your thing, Mutation Z, Book I is free on Amazon.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  4 Stars


From Goodreads:  First book in a series.

Ebola, one of the most feared of the hemorrhagic diseases, has begun spreading across the borders of West African countries. The CDC and the World Health Organization have admitted they are losing control over the disease. Some hint at a possible worldwide pandemic. At exactly this point in time, Emma Johnson graduates from nursing school. She takes a job in an Ebola treatment camp inside Liberia, West Africa. The camp is state-of-the-art. It’s run by the CDC and the World Health Organization, and protected by the U.S. military. Emma uncovers a secret about this facility: medical experimentation is being conducted along with treatment. Whether or not Emma can ever escape the camp, she’s determined to get the story out. She has intimate knowledge of a biological horror being secretly unleashed upon the world. NOVELETTE. GENRES: Apocalyptic Science Fiction, Zombie Fiction, Conspiracy Fiction, Horror.

Mutation Z: The Ebola Zombies is the first book in a series. In the next book, the zombie virus will cross geographical boundaries and go increasingly out of control.

mutant z 2Goodreads Amazon


Mutation Z: The Ebola Zombies is free and I received Book II in return for an honest review.


Emma is now part of the experiment to create a zombie army. It wasn’t bad enough for her in Book I, now she has traveled to the furthest reaches of HELL and knows it.

In NYC, journalist Hunter Morgan smells a rat when Chen-Zamora Pharmaceuticals gets an exclusive government contract to develop the Ebola vaccine. I mean, wouldn’t they want competition? Why an exclusive contract? Corruption? Conspiracy? Greed? And why was he given such easy access to a crime scene?

The scene with Hunter and his daughter is so sweet. Marilyn Peake has an ability to make her characters come to life, human and zombie alike.

Hunter gets more involved and could be making the biggest mistake of his life or becoming the savior of the planet.

Imagine being aware of turning into a zombie, aware of your shambling walk, bumping and jostling each other, your skin falling off in sheets, and the worst of all…

Can a shred of humanity remain?

Mutation Z is gross, horrific, outrageous, infuriating, corrupting…heads are cracked open, entrails pulled from shredded abdomens, body after body, young and old alike.

I am so into Mutation Z, I am wringing my hands with an evil grin on my face as Marilyn Peake tells me Mutation Z:  Protecting Your Own, Book III, has just come out and I can have a copy for review. YAY!!!!

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  5 Stars


From Goodreads:  Second book in the series.

Eviscerated bodies are found along both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Military security is stepped up on both sides of the border. However, journalists are given free rein to explore the devastation. As more and more bodies are found, people begin to panic. Meanwhile in The Liberia Treatment and Research Camp of West Africa, Emma Johnson and Chibueze Koroma continue to receive experimental doses of Mutation Z. They also begin to remember the horrific things they’ve done. As journalist Hunter Morgan’s investigation leads him to that same Camp, his own little girl falls sick with fever. NOVELLA. GENRES: Apocalyptic Science Fiction, Zombie Fiction, Conspiracy Fiction, Horror.

Mutation Z: Closing the Borders is the second book in the Mutation Z series. In the next book, Mutation Z: Protecting Our Own, guerrilla warfare breaks out between armed militias and those perceived as protecting the zombies.

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Goodreads  /  Amazon


The story continues and gets more horrific with every page.

The monsters are not only zombies, but humanity when it lets fear take over.

In the opening scene, I breathed a sigh of relief when I felt the Dixon family dodged a bullet.


Hunter Morgan, the journalist striving to expose the truth of the zombies, has an emergency of his own.

The disease does not care if you are young or old, good or bad.

It is spreading and Hunter smells the RATS. His suspicions are growing and so are mine.

As the story develops, Marilyn Peake breaks my heart. Not everyone can live, I know that! But, damn it, why…

Fear can make people do things they never anticipated.

Zealots, hunters, and their victims. Who is good and who is bad?

I think stories like Mutation Z are food for thought. I always wonder what I would do if my life were threatened and I had to take action. Would I? Would you? And would it be the right kind of action. Would fear drive me? Would I sacrifice others for my own?

The Mutation Z series is a must read for horror and dystopian lovers everywhere. The story grows better and better with each novella.

I received a copy of Mutation Z: Protecting Our Own by Marilyn Peake in return for an honest review.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  5 Stars


From Goodreads:  Third book in the series.

Guerrilla warfare breaks out between armed militias and those perceived as protecting the zombies. Journalist Hunter Morgan becomes the target of Clay Dixon, the organizer of a militia in a Texas border town, when he advocates for protecting the zombies until a cure is found. The journalist has strong motivation for his beliefs: his daughter is suspected of having the disease caused by Mutation Z. This book ends with a devastating confrontation. NOVELETTE. GENRES: Apocalyptic Science Fiction, Zombie Fiction, Conspiracy Fiction, Horror.

Mutation Z: Protecting Our Own is the third book in the Mutation Z series. In the next book, Mutation Z: Drones Overhead, the people working in Dr. Rojas’s house to find a cure for Mutation Z hide from the U.S. government spying on them with helicopters and drones that constantly fly overhead.


Marilyn PeakeFrom Goodreads:

Marilyn Peake is the author of both novels and short stories. Her publications have received excellent reviews. Marilyn’s one of the contributing authors in BOOK: THE SEQUEL, published by The Perseus Books Group, with one of her entries included in serialization at THE DAILY BEAST. In addition, Marilyn has served as Editor of a number of anthologies. Her short stories have been published in seven anthologies and on the literary blog, GLASS CASES.

Awards: Silver Award, two Honorable Mentions and eight Finalist placements in the ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Awards, two Winner and two Finalist placements in the EPPIE Awards, Winner of the Dream Realm Awards, and eight Top Ten Finisher Awards in the Preditors and Editors Readers Poll.

Stalk Marilyn Peake:  Website  /  Twitter


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Friday 56 #60 & BB #36 – Pokergeist by Michael Phillip Cash

The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice.The only rules are to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your ereader and find any sentence or a few ( no spoilers) that grabs you and post it.

Please join Rose City Reader every Friday to share the first sentence or so of the book you are reading along with you initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.

Please include the title of the book and the author’s name.


My sister, Laura, knows I love ghosts and playing poker, so she loaned me Michael Phillip Cash’s novel, Pokergeist. Looks super good to me!

What card games do you like to play?


Add me to Goodreads now.


Telly saw Gretchen sigh, take a deep breath, and walk over with a bottle of tequila. She reached over to take the glass from his hands, but he caught her fingers, turning her hand palm up. Rob walked his fingers over her sensitive skin, and Gretchen impatiently made to grab for his glass. He held it out of her way, his face inches from her breast.

“I got customers waiting; do you want a refill or not?”

(56 in paperback)


Like taking candy from a baby, Clutch Henderson thought.


Sometimes life, as well as death, is about second chances. Luckless Telly Martin doesn’t have a clue. An awful gambler trying to scrape by as a professional poker player, he becomes the protégé of world famous poker champion Clutch Henderson. The only catch…Clutch is a ghost.

Telly and Clutch must navigate the seedy gambling underbelly of Las Vegas learning to trust each other in order to win the elusive International Series of Poker, repair their shattered personal relationships and find redemption in this life and the hereafter.


“Shuffle up and deal”

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Skull and Crossbones (c) Sherry J Fundin