Aria Glazki’s novel Mending Heartstrings Has a New Cover

I am very excited to share Aria Glazki’s new cover for Mending Heartstrings.

What do you think? I think it’s great.

I have read this romance and will be sharing my review on 2/8/16, so be sure and stop by to check it out.

Share your thoughts in the comments, and don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Cover design: Christa Holland at Paper & Sage
Publication date: February 9, 2016

Kane’s a country singer who’s tangled with too many deceitful women. He’s learned his lesson: girls are for flirting and fun; emotions are for his music. But after spending a night with an earnest woman unlike any he’s known, he can’t force her out of his mind. So he goes in search of the woman he knows only as “Elle.”On her last night in Nashville, the staunchly pragmatic Sabella found herself in a situation more suited to a romance novel than reality. Swept away, she ignored her rigidly self-imposed rules, succumbing to the fantasy just this once. But she knows real-world relationships have nothing in common with their fictionalized portrayals. When Kane unexpectedly shows up at her Portland apartment, she must choose between the practical truths she has learned and the desire for a passionate love she has struggled to suppress.

Despite the distance, Kane’s tour schedule, and their meddling friends, both are drawn to the chance for a romance neither quite believes is possible.

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About Aria:

Aria’s writing story started when her seventh-grade English teacher encouraged her to submit a class assignment for publication. That piece was printed, and let’s just say, she was hooked!
Since then, Aria has run a literary magazine, earned her degree in Creative Writing (as well as in French and Russian literatures), and been published here and there. Though her first kiss technically came from a bear cub, and no fairytale transformation followed, Aria still believes magic can happen when the right people come together—if they don’t get in their own way, that is.
Other than all things literary, Aria loves spending time with her family, including her two unbearably adorable nieces. She also dabbles in painting, dancing, playing violin, and, given the opportunity, Epicureanism.

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Monday Mini – Pokergeist by Michael Phillip Cash @michaelpcash


My sister, Laura, knows I love ghosts and playing poker, so she loaned me Michael Phillip Cash’s novel, Pokergeist. Looks super good to me!

“Shuffle up and deal”

PokergeistAdd me to Goodreads now.

I love ghosts, hauntings and poker and Pokergeist has all those things.

Pokergeist is a spine tingling novel that grabbed me and never let me go.

I felt for Telly Martin. If it wasn’t for bad luck, he would have none at all.

He reaches for the brass ring, only to be shot down time after time.

I thought I knew where this was going and I did, sort of.

Michael Phillip Cash held back a surprise that I didn’t see coming and I love surprise endings. I look forward to reading more of his work.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  5 Stars


From Goodreads:  Sometimes life, as well as death, is about second chances. Luckless Telly Martin doesn’t have a clue. An awful gambler trying to scrape by as a professional poker player, he becomes the protégé of world famous poker champion Clutch Henderson. The only catch…Clutch is a ghost.

Telly and Clutch must navigate the seedy gambling underbelly of Las Vegas learning to trust each other in order to win the elusive International Series of Poker, repair their shattered personal relationships and find redemption in this life and the hereafter.


Born and raised on Long Island, Michael has always had a fascination with horror writing and found footage films. He wanted to incorporate both with his debut novel, Brood X. Earning a degree in English and an MBA, he has worked various jobs before settling into being a full-time author. He currently resides on Long Island with his wife and children.

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