One Sentence Reviews for Tina Leonard & Robin Bridges @Tina_Leonard @robinbridges

The Unfailing Light (Katerina, #2)I won a hardcover of The Unfailing Light by Robin Bridges a long time ago and am just getting around to reading and reviewing it.

This is one of those books that is hard to rate because it is Book II and I don’t have Book I or III, so I don’t get the full story, BUT the more I read, the more I enjoyed the story and the more I became involved with the characters, wishing I would have had the entire series and read from the beginning.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos 3 Stars

Burned by a Kiss (Star Canyon #1).I won two books in the Star Canyon series, paperback novellas, by Tina Leonard.

I wasn’t expecting a lot from this quick read, because romance and ‘westerns’ are not high on my reading list, but we do have a little bit of romance and a little bit of mystery, the characters steal the show, and I would love to know more.  🙂

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  2 Stars

Branded by Fire

I am so glad I had Branded by Fire hanging around because with each novella I read, the more I become involved with the family, the more I wanted to know what the heck is going on, get involved in their simple romance, become a part of their tight knit family, and the more I get the know them, the more I want the mystery solved and for them to have their happy ever afters. 🙂

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos 3 Stars

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