Do You Believe In Aliens – Area 51 Raid Anthology #Aliens #Area51 @ChrysFey

Don’t bother with the raid. Stay home and learn all about it in the comfort of your own home.


What’s in Area 51? Is the government hiding aliens? Elvis? Maybe the set of the Apollo moon landing? Do you know?

We do.

Join this multi-genre group as they explore the hidden recesses of Area 51, which up until now have only been whispered conspiracies. Don’t bother with the raid. Stay home, read these awesome stories and learn all you need to know.

The truth is just a page-flip away.

*All proceeds will go to US Veterans.

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Interview with Authors from We Know the Truth, Do You?

An Anthology to Celebrate the Raid

1. I love a good conspiracy. What is your theory on government cover-ups?

Annie Walls (Author of Lavish Lure) – I think a lot of stuff gets covered up, but I also believe the government covers things, so we don’t have a mass panic situation.

Beverly Ovalle (Author of The Road to Eden) – I believe that many of the conspiracies carry a grain of truth.

Chrys Fey (Author of Detective Heavenborn) – The government doesn’t want us to know a lot of things because people would either panic or be appalled and demand them to stop.

C.L. Roman (Author of Not Your Father’s Area 51) – My theory is that it isn’t our government that runs Area 51. It’s aliens disguised as humans, studying our technology and culture while trying to protect us from the rest of the universe and vice-versa.

Debra Parmley (Author of The Road to Groom Lake) – I believe big money is behind much of what our government does today and most politicians are corrupt. Cover-ups are to cover their butts. It’s CYA on a much larger scale than most peoples.

Harley Easton (Author of In the Air Tonight) – The X-files was dead on when they said: Apology is Policy. I think the government would rather hide things and apologize when they are discovered than let the public in on potentially dangerous information.

Jennie L. Morris (Author of Galaxy Genetics Inc.) I believe the government, all governments, cover things up. Maybe not necessarily extraterrestrial in nature, but they definitely hide things from the general public. Do I want to know what these are? Maybe some of them, but I probably don’t want to realize how close we’ve come to self-destruction and how many times.

Sherry Rentschler (Author of Mermurings) – I think the government does believe in “something out there” but I don’t believe we have any proof on earth. Do I think we have been visited? Likely, because how can we be the only beings in the vast space called the universe? I don’t believe in little green men. Not even sure that we might recognize strange visitors. We are a very arrogant species who believes we are the best of the food chain. Nature has shown us that we are petty and small. In the universe, I’m pretty sure if anyone has visited us, they’ll waiting for us to “mature” a bit more before revealing themselves.

Valerie Puri (Author of Burner Phone) – It’s interesting to read about false flag events. There are so many of them with varying theories, some more disturbing than others.

2. I have read of more than one military pilot claiming to have seen…something. I can only imagine their fear coming forward and I commend them for sticking to their beliefs. Do you believe it could be a UFO from another planet, or another government with covert military technology?

Annie Walls: I don’t know. I’m a concrete fact kind of person.

Beverly Ovalle: In many cases, both. I’m sure, like us, military technology is advancing more than the average person knows around the world. I also believe we are NOT alone. The universe is too large to have only one race of sentient beings. It is very egotistical to believe we are the only intelligent life in the universe.

Chrys Fey: Honestly, it could be either of those theories: alien spaceships or covert military ships.

C.L. Roman: There’s a lot more reason to believe there are other life forms out there than not. With as many planets as the universe is thought to hold, life on only ours is a bit unreasonable.

Debra Parmley: I believe they are UFOs from other planets and perhaps they also prevent the information from coming out. I believe they watch and study us.

Jennie L. Morris: I think it could be either. The universe is vast, there is no way we are the only sentient beings. Also, we test military planes all the time. I think UFO sightings are a mixture of both.

Sherry Rentschler: I’m a retired Air Force officer and non-combat veteran. I know pilots who said they did see strange things. I do believe in the possibility of visits from outer space but so far, I think other countries may be experimenting over our country and we’ve caught sight of them. I do think our own country is also experimenting and not telling the everyday pilot. Have I proof? No, but then the pilots don’t either. Anything is possible!

Valerie Puri: I’m not sure if the UFO(s) they witnessed were extra-terrestrial or not. I do believe they saw something. It could be an experimental aircraft or spacecraft from another country. But it could also be from another planet. We may never know….

3. Have you ever seen a UFO? Do you want to?

Annie Walls: No. And yes. I usually believe more when I see it first-hand.

Beverly Ovalle: No, but I would love to.

Chrys Fey: Actually…I think my mom and I did once when I was a kid. We were coming home from a Renaissance Fair at my siblings’ high school when we both got a creepy, “something is following us” feeling. I looked out my window and saw a bright, circular light in the night sky. It was far away, but it was plan that it was following us. And we were the only car on the road. Then, another light appeared behind it, and both followed us for a while before they disappeared.

C.L. Roman: I have not. But as long as they’re friendly/benevolent, then sure, I’d love to meet some. No probing though. Does not sound fun to me.

Debra Parmley: No, I haven’t. But I am not averse to the idea, if one wants to show itself.

Harley Easton: Nope. I see more ghosts than aliens. Not sure how I’d feel being confronted with something extra-terrestrial.

Jennie L. Morris: Honestly, I’ve seen lights in the sky I can’t explain. Were they UFOs? To me, yes, but that doesn’t mean they were alien. I just couldn’t identify them.

Sherry Rentschler: I have seen strange lights. I don’t know what it was. I do hope I see a real UFO. But I’ve seen a real ghost, so why not a guest from outer space?

Valerie Puri: When I was younger, I did see something strange once in the night sky. I don’t know what it was, but I’ve never seen anything like it since.

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