Monday Mini – A delicious tale – Bellyache by Crystal Marcos

Add Shudder to Goodreads Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  5 STARS – Would Buy It For Them (lol)

A ten year old in a candy store? I can only imagine Peter’s excitement when his parents say he will be spending the day with his grandpa, helping out at the candy store. Candy as far as the eye can see. MMMMMM. YUMMY. Chocolate, squishy gummy bears, strings of licorice, peanut butter cups…..I think we all know where this is going, but it was a great ride getting there. This is a fun and quick read that your inner child may enjoy, as much as the youngsters in the family. Excellent writing. I smiled and laughed as Peter got more than he bargained for. A delicious book with a delicious tale for the delicious child in you or someone you know. I won this signed, first edition paperback of Bellyache from Crystal Marcos. The cover is so cure I couldn’t resist it. I look forward to reading the sequel.


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