Giveaway & Interview ~ Heartsearch: Betrayal by Carlie M A Cullen

I love the covers for the Heartsearch trilogy by Carlie M A Cullen.

They are a brand that is easily recognizable, labeling the books ‘written by Carlie’.


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One bite started it all . . .

Joshua, Remy, and the twins are settled in their new life. However, life doesn’t always run smoothly. An argument between Becky and her twin causes unforeseen circumstances, an admission by Samir almost costs him his life, and the traitor provides critical information to Liam. But who is it?

As Jakki’s visions begin to focus on the turncoat’s activities, a member of the coven disappears, and others find themselves endangered.

And when Liam’s coven attacks, who will endure?

Fate continues to toy with mortals and immortals alike, and as more hearts descend into darkness, can they overcome the dangers they face and survive?


I would like to welcome Carlie and share her thoughts with you, my readers. Enjoy!

Hi Sherry! It’s so lovely to be here today.

  1. I love book covers. In the library, I will grab a book by its cover alone. How much input to you have when it comes to the cover? Do you have final approval?

I have a great deal of input. It’s one of the great things about being independently published. I can put forward my ideas to my wonderful cover designer, Nicole Antonia Carro, and she sends me back her interpretations. We work together to tweak it until I’m happy. And yes, I absolutely have final approval. I love the way she’s created a brand for my Heart Search trilogy where there’s something on every cover to link them all together.

I do love it when the author is able to create a ‘brand’ for the series. Makes it easily identifiable.

2.  Do you have a favorite character in your books and why? How much of you is in the character?

It’s difficult because I love them all for different reasons, but I would have to say Remy is my favourite. She’s a complex character and I love her journey of self-discovery through the three books. Remy has grown so much as a person and it’s great to see.

Although Remy was loosely based on my daughter originally, I drew on some of my experiences to help mould her character. There’s probably more of me in her than I’d care to admit. I’ve gone through pain and heartache and emerged a stronger, more independent woman and that’s what Remy has done too.

I think most characters are a compilation of people an author knows or is familiar with. You did a wonderful job of showing us how Remy grew as a person and I enjoyed sharing the experience with her.

3.  If you could be any character in any book you have read, who would it be and why?

Geez, this is so hard to answer as there have been many characters I’ve liked and admired for various reasons. As you’ve backed me into a corner on this, I think I’ll have to pick Aeolyn from the Tower of Bones series by Connie J Jasperson. She’s tough, feisty, a warrior, and doesn’t take any crap from anyone. However, she has a wonderful caring side. She has a fierce love for her husband and is very protective and loving toward her friends. Aeolyn is resourceful, creative, and has a good head on her shoulders. She can plan attacks, organise supplies in advance, and thinks outside the box when necessary. I just love the way she’s been created and can’t wait until the next book comes out to see what happens with her next.

I am not familiar with Aeolyn or the Tower of Bones, but I will surely be checking it out. 🙂

4. Tell us something funny about yourself. It can be anything at all – something you like, something you did, something that happened to you…

I went to the hairdressers as I wanted to look my best for my daughter’s graduation from university. The colours in my hair were fading so I asked them to renew my two colour highlights (bright red and blonde). Something went a little wrong and the red dye bled onto the blonde and vice versa. Consequently, I ended up with bright pink hair and no time to get it put right before I was leaving to make the 300 mile trip. It wasn’t exactly the look I’d hoped to see in my daughter’s graduation photos!

I love it! Sorry, but I couldn’t help but laugh, imaging the look on your daughter’s face when she first saw you with you new do. LOL

Fast and Loose:

Sweet or Sour:

Sweet, every time. Unfortunately I’ve inherited my Dad’s sweet tooth!

Hot or Cold:

Hot if we’re talking about the weather (I hate the cold), and hot if we’re talking about men, hahaha

Dog or Cat:

Dog. I used to have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and she was so lovely. I hope to have another one someday.

TV or Movies:

Movies. I love them. I can’t go to the cinema as often as I’d like to though.

Thank you so much for inviting me here today. I’ve really enjoyed answering your questions – even if one or two gave me brain-ache [laughs].

Then I did my job! I really enjoyed the interview and loved sharing some chuckles with you, Carlie!


Photo_of_CarlieCarlie M A Cullen was born in London. She grew up in Hertfordshire where she first discovered her love of books and writing.

She has always written in some form or another, but started to write novels in 2011. Her first book was published by Myrddin Publishing in 2012. She writes in the Fantasy/Paranormal Romance genres for New Adult and Adult.

Carlie is also a principal editor for Eagle Eye Editors.

Carlie also holds the reins of a writing group called Writebulb. They have published four anthologies so far, two for adults and two for children, all of which raise money for a local hospice.

Carlie currently lives in Essex, UK with her daughter.

Website / Twitter: @carlie2011c / Facebook / Linkedin / Amazon /

Wattpad / Goodreads



These are a few of the awesome gifts! Aren’t they beautiful?

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Find the Carlie Cullen Heartsearch series on Amazon by clicking on the covers below.

Review of Heartsearch: Lost, Book I

Guest post for Heartsearch: Found, Book II

Review of Heartsearch: Found: Book II


To see all my Reviews, go HERE.

To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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Giveaway & Excerpt ~ Heartsearch: Betrayal by Carlie M A Cullen

I love the covers for the Heartsearch trilogy by Carlie M A Cullen.

They are a brand that is easily recognizable, labeling the books ‘written by Carlie’.


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One bite started it all . . .

Joshua, Remy, and the twins are settled in their new life. However, life doesn’t always run smoothly. An argument between Becky and her twin causes unforeseen circumstances, an admission by Samir almost costs him his life, and the traitor provides critical information to Liam. But who is it?

As Jakki’s visions begin to focus on the turncoat’s activities, a member of the coven disappears, and others find themselves endangered.

And when Liam’s coven attacks, who will endure?

Fate continues to toy with mortals and immortals alike, and as more hearts descend into darkness, can they overcome the dangers they face and survive?


Joshua looked at the artefact and traced the swirls on the hilt with his index finger absentmindedly. What was it the book said? He leaned forward to check the wording. ‘Infuse the blade with his own blood’. That’s what he needed to do to protect himself. Without a second thought or any hesitation, he drew the dagger across the palm of his hand, opening a deep cut. Allowing the blood to pool, Joshua then placed the blade in it and watched with fascination as it absorbed the fluid without a trace.

When all the blood had gone, Joshua held the hilt in his uninjured hand and stared at the wound he had inflicted. All that remained was a pink line, the cut had completely closed and healed.

Abruptly, a mild vibration like a low voltage electric current eased through the knife and into his hand. It wasn’t painful or unpleasant, just a tingling effect. He gripped the handle tighter, wondering what would happen next. A surge of power coursed through his entire body, rocking him back in his seat. If the chair had been less sturdy, it would have toppled backward and taken Joshua with it.

As the effects of the power took hold of Joshua his lips peeled back into a wide grin. There was no amusement in his face or eyes; it was the maniacal leer one saw on the faces of villains in movies just before they committed a heinous act.

He sat forward, his head held high. The muscles of his back, shoulders, and arms rippled and spasmed. He bared his fangs as the sensation both thrilled and amazed him in equal measure.

Holy shit! This is almost as good as sex, he thought, chuckling to himself. The intense awareness of invincibility and strength, as the dagger’s sublime energy connected with every molecule in his body was intoxicating and addictive.

Joshua rose. Stretching to his full height, he stood to attention like a Grenadier Guard on duty at Buckingham Palace and lifted his chin. In a voice filled with wonder, awe, and an abundance of conviction and self-belief, he announced, “I am a God!”


Photo_of_CarlieCarlie M A Cullen was born in London. She grew up in Hertfordshire where she first discovered her love of books and writing.

She has always written in some form or another, but started to write novels in 2011. Her first book was published by Myrddin Publishing in 2012. She writes in the Fantasy/Paranormal Romance genres for New Adult and Adult.

Carlie is also a principal editor for Eagle Eye Editors.

Carlie also holds the reins of a writing group called Writebulb. They have published four anthologies so far, two for adults and two for children, all of which raise money for a local hospice.

Carlie currently lives in Essex, UK with her daughter.

Website / Twitter: @carlie2011c / Facebook / Linkedin / Amazon /

Wattpad / Goodreads



These are a few of the awesome gifts! Aren’t they beautiful?

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Find the Carlie Cullen Heartsearch series on Amazon by clicking on the covers below.

Review of Heartsearch: Lost, Book I

Guest post for Heartsearch: Found, Book II

Review of Heartsearch: Found: Book II


To see all my Reviews, go HERE.

To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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OMG!!! ~ The One You Have Been Waiting For ~ Heartsearch by Carlie Cullen

YAY…”doing the happy dance”.

I have been waiting for Book III of the amazing Heartsearch series!

I love the gorgeous covers and eagerly anticipate turning the pages inside.

If you are not familiar with Carlie’s novels, scroll down and check out my reviews for Books I and II.



One bite started it all . . .

Joshua, Remy, and the twins are settled in their new life. However, life doesn’t always run smoothly. An argument between Becky and her twin causes unforeseen circumstances, an admission by Samir almost costs him his life, and the traitor provides critical information to Liam. But who is it?

As Jakki’s visions begin to focus on the turncoat’s activities, a member of the coven disappears, and others find themselves endangered.

And when Liam’s coven attacks, who will endure?

Fate continues to toy with mortals and immortals alike, and as more hearts descend into darkness, can they overcome the dangers they face and survive?


Photo_of_CarlieCarlie M A Cullen was born in London. She grew up in Hertfordshire where she first discovered her love of books and writing.

She has always written in some form or another, but started to write novels in 2011. Her first book was published by Myrddin Publishing in 2012. She writes in the Fantasy/Paranormal Romance genres for New Adult and Adult.

Carlie is also a principal editor for Eagle Eye Editors.

Carlie also holds the reins of a writing group called Writebulb. They have published four anthologies so far, two for adults and two for children, all of which raise money for a local hospice.

Carlie currently lives in Essex, UK with her daughter.

Website  /  Twitter: @carlie2011c  /  Facebook  /  Linkedin  /  Amazon  /

Wattpad  /  Goodreads

Find the Carlie Cullen Heartsearch series on Amazon by clicking on the covers below.

Review of Heartsearch: Lost, Book I

Guest post for Heartsearch: Found, Book II

Review of Heartsearch: Found: Book II



To see all my Reviews, go HERE.

To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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Guest post for Heartsearch: Found, Book II by Carlie M A Cullen

Carlie M. A. Cullen’s Heartsearch: Found, Book II has arrived and so has the trailer. All I can say is WOW. I loved this trailer and it nearly broke my heart as I listened, bringing tears to my eyes. Now I know why the books are so outstanding. Thank you, Carlie, for sharing a heart breaking event of such a personal nature.

Check out this cover beauty and let Carlie tell you what character from her book she would choose to be and why.

To see my 5 STAR Review of Heartsearch: Lost, Book I, go HERE.

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One bite started it all . . .

Another mysterious disappearance sparks a frightening chain of events for Remy and her family. Events foretold come to pass, and more strange and alarming occurrences assail her life. Where can she turn?

Coven politics continue to threaten Joshua’s existence, but an even bigger menace looms

And Remy’s life hangs in the balance – can Joshua save her?

Fate still toys with mortals and immortals alike, as hearts torn apart by darkness confront perils which could lead to their doom.


Amazon US / Amazon UK


Hi Carlie. Welcome to my blog. I have been anticipating which guest post suggestion you would choose and what you would have to share with us. I love learning about authors and characters, so this was an excellent choice.

When Sherry asked me to write about which of my characters I’d like to be and why, I had an “oh, poop!” moment. Which one do I choose? It would have been far easier to wax lyrical on the person I’d least like to be!

Every one of my main characters has their good and bad points, their admirable and not so admirable qualities. Some of them even possess some rather cool powers. So which one do I pick?

After heaps of soul-searching and hours of contemplation, I think I would have to go with Remy – my main female protagonist.

Remy is a beautiful, intelligent young woman. She’s got a great job, a wonderful fiancé who loves her to bits, a nice home and is on the verge of getting married. Sound too good to be true? Well it was. It was after Joshua vanished, Remy really began to find herself – who she is inside.

Despite all the heartache, emotion, pain and loneliness Remy suffers, she also finds an inner strength she didn’t know she possessed. It keeps her going on her long journey to try and find Joshua.

I admire Remy for the courage she showed to embark on such a difficult journey – not just because of how taxing it would be physically, but also the mental strain it would place upon her. The strength of her love for Joshua is intense and magnificent. How many of us would have the strength of character to put our life on hold and set off alone with only a vague plan and a raging desire to find our loved one? And to have the will to keep going after multiple rejections in every location visited?

Even when strange and frightening things begin to happen to Remy, leaving her questioning her sanity, she never once considers giving up the search. When she’s physically forced to abandon her voyage, she clings onto the love held so dear and the hope that she’ll find Joshua before too long. (I’m not giving away any spoilers, so you’ll have to read the books to find out if she does!)

Remy still maintains her sense of humour through it all, which I think is wonderful. It would be too easy in her situation to become completely melancholy and self-absorbed, yet she doesn’t. Her family, especially her twin, help to keep her spirits up; the relationship she has with Becky is fabulous and quite typical of identical twins. I grew up as an only child and envy Remy and Becky their closeness.

She isn’t perfect; like any human, she experiences doubts, has negative thoughts and days when it’s a struggle to take that next step. In her frustration she injures herself, gives into crying jags and drowns her sorrows a couple of times. But she can be forgiven for all of this and so much more, as her good points far outweigh the bad. And let’s face it – who among us wouldn’t react badly when nursing a broken heart?

In summation, Remy has the courage of her convictions and finds the inner strength to see them through, regardless of what’s thrown across her path. How can I not admire someone like that?

I hope I’m never in her position, but if I was, would I be as strong as Remy? I’d like to think so.

That was awesome Carlie. Thanks so much for stopping by and chatting.



Photo_of_CarlieCarlie M A Cullen was born in London. She grew up in Hertfordshire where she first discovered her love of books and writing. She has been an administrator and marketer all her working life and was also a professional teacher of Ballroom and Latin American dancing until recently.

She has always written in some form or another, but Heart Search: Lost is her first novel. This was launched 8th October 2012 through Myrddin Publishing Group and book two, Heart Search: Found, is due out early July 2013. She writes mainly in the Fantasy/Paranormal Romance genres for YA, New Adult and Adult.

Carlie is also a professional editor.

Carlie also holds the reins of a writing group called Writebulb. Their first anthology, The Other Way Is Essex, was published September 2012 under Myrddin Publishing Group. Their second anthology is in editing.

Carlie currently lives in Essex, UK with her daughter.

For stalking purposes, find Carlie M. A. Cullen at the links below:

Website  /  Twitter: @carlie2011c  /  Facebook  /  Linkedin  /  Amazon  /

Wattpad  /  Goodreads

To get your copy or learn more about Carlie Cullen, check out my reviews and the book links below.

Review of Heartsearch: Lost, Book I

Guest post for Heartsearch: Found, Book II

Review of Heartsearch: Found: Book II


To see all my Reviews, go HERE.

To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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Review of Heartsearch: Lost, Book I by Carlie M A Cullen

Be sure and take a gander at the Found book trailer at the end of the post. Carlie tells her story of how Heartsearch came to be.

My Review of Heartsearch: Lost, Book I. I will have to apologize before hand for getting so carried away and rambling on in my review about this book. If you love Vampires and haven’t read these, you will not regret picking up a copy today. I want to tell you, so much, how this book ends, but then………………

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He had waited so long for THIS human.

Joshua had visited South Weald Country Park many times. He had no idea that this time would be life changing.

As I thought of becoming Mrs. Joshua Grant, I couldn’t help but smile. Joshua met me at the airport. His kiss was very passionate. We made love that night and I awoke to find bruises all over my body. I guess he really did miss me. I managed to keep it from him, but when we made love again, I awoke in the morning feeling even more pain. It wasn’t just bruises this time. There were long, raw scratches down my arms and thighs. Before I could cover up, he came in the room. He saw what he had done and fell to his knees, crying. He ran from the house.

After Remy left for work, Joshua returned to the house. He saw the wedding lists on the table. He grabbed a pen and pad and wrote, “Dear Remy………….”


I had heard a lot about this book from my sister at fuonlyknew. She fell in love with it. Myself, I thought, oh another vampire book. I take my Vampires in small doses. Thrillers and mysteries are my favorites, with the paranormal and horror next in line. Was I in for a huge surprise. I have read thousands of books, so to surprise me is huge kudos to the author.

I was immediately drawn in and the story never let me go. It is so well written that the pages passed quickly beneath my eyes. I was in a hurry to find out how this would go.

The story is told from two different points of view, Remy’s and Joshua’s. Carlie did really well blending them together so I didn’t loose track of what was happening going back and forth.

Remy’s love was so strong that she couldn’t let him go. She went in “Search” of him. As Remy starts to dream, my hand reaches to turn the page. Oops, no page, it’s my Kindle. How would you “Search” ? Where to begin once the obvious is done? I guess that is why a show like America’s Most Wanted is such a hit. John Walsh, the host, is a prime example of how far some people will go to get an answer.

At first I really didn’t like how callous the vampires were, then I thought, that’s how they are supposed to be. Cold, self-centered, unfeeling. Carlie’s vampires seemed more realistic. Realistic? LOL. Before I knew it, I was laughing at myself. Is there such a thing as a nice vampire? I think I fell for Joshua. How could that be? Can a Vampire be a good guy?

Remy had been bubbly, outgoing, an extrovert, the life of the party type. As Carlie talks about the pain of her loss, I could feel her determination to find him.

When Remy was people watching, I smiled. I remember my girlfriend, who is no longer with us. We used to sit and watch people, trying to figure out who they were, what they did for a living, what car they drove…..I still love to people watch, but it just isn’t the same. I love a book that gets my mind working and I get more from the book than just the author’s story. Thanks Carlie for stretching my mind.

I FREAKED OUT at the ending. Caught me totally off guard. A huge surprise. I thought it was going to be one thing and it was another. I laughed out loud because I never saw it coming.

Carlie is awesome at throwing you a curve ball, so don’t think you know what is going to happen before it does. You are sure to be shocked and amazed. Her ability to tell a story about vampires that is so unique is mind blowing. I have never read a vampire book like this and I loved where she took it. I cannot even guess where she will take me next. I am so glad I have Book II so I don’t have to wait.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos   5 STARS – Would Buy It For Them (lol)

I received this book in return for an honest and unbiased review.


Photo_of_CarlieCarlie M A Cullen was born in London. She grew up in Hertfordshire where she first discovered her love of books and writing. She has been an administrator and marketer all her working life and was also a professional teacher of Ballroom and Latin American dancing until recently.

She has always written in some form or another, but Heart Search: Lost is her first novel. This was launched 8th October 2012 through Myrddin Publishing Group and book two, Heart Search: Found, is due out early July 2013. She writes mainly in the Fantasy/Paranormal Romance genres for YA, New Adult and Adult.

Carlie is also a professional editor.

Carlie also holds the reins of a writing group called Writebulb. Their first anthology, The Other Way Is Essex, was published September 2012 under Myrddin Publishing Group. Their second anthology is in editing.

Carlie currently lives in Essex, UK with her daughter.

For stalking purposes, find Carlie M. A. Cullen at the links below:

Website  /  Twitter: @carlie2011c  /  Facebook  /  Linkedin  /  Amazon  /

Wattpad  /  Goodreads


Find the Carlie Cullen Heartsearch series on Amazon by clicking on the covers below.

Review of Heartsearch: Lost, Book I

Guest post for Heartsearch: Found, Book II

Review of Heartsearch: Found: Book II



To see all my Reviews, go HERE.

To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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