Meet Kate Warne in Kate Warne’s Sister Is Missing by J A Schneider @JoyceSchneider1 #historicalfiction #booksirens


I want to thank Book Sirens and J A Schneider for the opportunity to read and review Kate Warne’s Sister Is Missing.

Photograph of Kate Warne
1866 photograph of Kate Warne Public domain via Chicago History Museum

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Kate Warne’s Sister Is Missing by J A Schneider was a big departure from the other novels of hers that I have read. At first it threw me off. The writing felt dry, textbooklike. BUT, the more I read, the more I got lost in the characters and their circumstances.

Kate Warne’s Sister Is Missing is historical fiction at its finest. We have fiction woven into facts seamlessly. The events take place during 1861. Think of your history. the Civil War had just broken out. There were those who wanted Lincoln dead. Kate Warne did her part to try and save him, but we all know, eventually, he was killed.

Kate Warne was the first female detective with the Pinkertons, thanks to Alan Pinkerton’s ability to judge a person’s character and see that she would be able to go places and learn things because people would overlook a woman. No one would suspect her of being a detective.

Kate and Saskia’s brother and sister in law are quite the pieces of work. When Saskia goes missing, my eyes are on them. Kate, Saskia and their brother shared ownership of the home they lived in.

Opium, in the form of laudanum was the be all, cure all. History repeats itself in drug addiction and abuse of dangerous substances.

Kate’s friends, Buck and Hattie, are also her partners. Will there be a love interest for Kate? The Flower Girl, a girl with a heart so big she put her life on the line for another. She may not be a star in the book, put she shone brightly regardless. I love when peripheral characters take center stage. That is some good character development that makes me want more.

I would have loved to get to know Saskia better. She was sweet, innocent, adventurous, artistic…Will she be found in time? Is it already too late?

The descriptive writing brought to life the horror, the smells, the danger…my anger and disgust, my wonder and delight, my curiosity and desire to know more. The characters grew on me the more time I spent with them. The mystery kept me guessing and the villains, because there are plenty to go around, filled me with revulsion. What a great word, revulsion. Just saying it conveys how poorly I felt about them, especially a certain someone, who, at this time, will be left nameless.

I appreciate a book that has me going on a hunt, surfing the web, searching for more answers on my own. I love that we ended on a high note, with love and inspiration.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Kate Warne’s Sister Is Missing by J A Schneider.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


April 1861, New York City. Civil War has just broken out. Kate Warne, first female detective and a Pinkerton, returns to find that her beloved sister, Saskia, has gone missing. Where to turn? Who to suspect?

Danger surrounds Kate. Secessionists’ fury has followed her since she thwarted their recent attempt to assassinate Lincoln in Baltimore. New York City is also a powder keg, with most elites and even the city’s mayor violently pro-South. Or could Kate’s possibly pro-South relatives have anything to do with Saskie’s disappearance?

Buck Hackett, a handsome fellow Pinkerton, teams up to help but also yearns for Kate. She resists loving him, fearing more heartache after the loss of her husband. Instead, she and her frequent partner Hattie Lawton – whose family Pinkerton helped escape to Canada via the Underground Railroad – plunge headlong into the dangers of 1861 NYC: from the theater scene to scenes of squalor and vast wealth – then through the raging opium epidemic and the secret tunnels of Chinatown. To find her sister, Kate braves every danger, knowing that every second counts.


Wheaton College, Norton MA (French Lit Major, Minor in Spanish & squeezed in Russian.)
Sorbonne, Jr. Year in Paris

Exchange student in the Soviet Union, where I got arrested for spreading anti-Soviet propaganda – ha! Caught with friends laughing at their pea-green-colored drinking water; that was the offense; four of us arrested. Let go after a day, guess they decided we weren’t worth an international incident. Then weeks later I landed in a Soviet hospital because I fell down a ravine during a student hike in the Caucasus mountains near Sochi. It wasn’t bad. Docs in Sochi were nice…

Former writer at Newsweek Magazine. Author of the 6-book EMBRYO medical thriller series; the 4-book Detective Kerri Blasco Police/Psychological Thrillers FEAR DREAMS, HER LAST BREATH, WATCHING YOU, & SHOELESS CHILD.

Also 5 standalone thrillers: INTO THE DARK, GIRL WATCHING YOU, WHAT YOU’VE DONE, CRY TO ME, & THE WIFE LIST. Also the U.S. Civil War thriller, KATE WARNE’S SISTER IS MISSING. (She was America’s first female detective and a Pinkerton. The story takes place in NYC – a pro-South hotbed – at the outbreak of the Civil War.)



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