Giveaway – Death In Dutch Harbor by D MacNeill Parker @Bookgal


D. MacNeill Parker


How did you research your book?

Research was not required. Write what you know, right? As a longtime participant in the Alaska fishing industry, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to use my experience as the backdrop to this book. What could be more intriguing than creating a world where commercial fishing and murder meet? However, I knew nothing about police dogs and so made an inquiry with the Seattle Police K9 Unit. They invited me to their training site. I was so appreciative, I named the dog in the book after the K9 Unit shepherd, CoCo.

Which was the hardest character to write?

The arch villain. It was difficult for me to navigate how to leave clues without giving away the identity of the culprit. The protagonist was a bit of a struggle, a learning experience really. Because the book is written in third person, I wrote many revisions trying out ways to best express what was inside her head.

Which was the easiest?

The police chief was the easiest character to write. I have no idea why.

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?

Aside from my own experience at sea as a fisherman that included surviving a boat that sank off the coast of Kodiak, I’ve heard many sea stories, most far more interesting than my own. There’s something about living on the edge of civilization where your life is at the mercy of Mother Nature and your survival may depend on the skill of your crew mates that is made for drama.

There are many crime mystery books out there. What makes yours different?

As a former fisherman married to a fishing boat captain, and with a career as a journalist, fisheries specialist for the State of Alaska and a seafood company executive, I’ve got the credentials to pull off authenticity. And along the way, the reader will learn a lot about Alaska and commercial fishing.

What advice would you give budding writers?

Just do it! Take creative writing courses on story structure and join a writing group so that it becomes a hands-on learning project. It’s fun, so you’ve got nothing to lose.

Your book is set in Alaska. Have you ever been there?

Our family lived in Alaska for many years and still participates in the Alaska fishing industry. One of our sons is at sea now. More specifically, I have been to Dutch Harbor, Alaska where the story unfolds. Dutch Harbor is a real place, now famous to fans of the television show, Deadliest Catch. It’s the nation’s busiest fishing port even though it’s located in the remote Aleutian Islands, halfway to Russia because that’s where the fish swim. I’ve experienced its famous white knuckler airplane landings and drank my share of beer at a well-known saloon there famed as Alaska’s most dangerous bar.

Do you ever get writer’s block?

No, never. Isn’t that terrific? I’m sure my former career as a journalist helps launch me into my task without much trepidation. But it’s not unusual for me to go back  after writing a scene and delete the first few paragraphs as if they were just a warm-up exercise.

What’s your next project?

I’m currently writing the second book of the series. So if you like the characters that inhabit DEATH IN DUTCH HARBOR, you can revisit them.

What is the last great book you read?

I could not put down the book, HORSE, by Geraldine Brooks. Its historical fiction, based on a real racehorse that was trained by a slave. The mystery unravels through the point of view of different characters, some in the present and some in the past. It tackles racism in a unique and poignant manner.

What is a favorite compliment you have received on your writing?

A few friends have called me in the morning after staying up all night reading the book. They’d been unable to put it down and their voices still transmitted excitement. It doesn’t get much better than that.

How are you similar or different from your lead character?

Well, I’m not a veterinarian, my hair is not red, and I don’t engage in sleuthing about in dark places. But I was about the doc’s age when I moved to Alaska, so the wonder of beholding the last frontier for the first time was something I purposely injected into the character.

If your book were made into a movie, who would star in the leading roles?

Now that’s a fun question! The book is very visual and would make a great movie so please be sure to send any interested producers my way. Off the top of my head, Emma Stone comes to mind. It’s not because her hair is red like Doctor Mo’s, it’s because they seem to share a sassy intrepidness, smarts and sense of humor. George Clooney as One-Eye Ben. That’s an inside joke which you’ll get when you read the book.

In one sentence, what was the road to publishing like?

Because I am a debut author, it was like stumbling around in a hailstorm, knocking on the doors of strangers in hopes of finding shelter.

What authors inspired you to write?

There were many authors that inspired me to write like Kurt Vonnegut, John Irving, Craig Johnson, Michael Connelly, John Grisham, Martin Cruz Smith, Raymond Chandler, Agatha Christie and Dashell Hammett but the book that lit a writing fire under me as a teenager was John Barth’s book, The Sot-Weed Factor. It’s a wild ride of historical fiction that showed me there was no limit to using your imagination when crafting a yarn.

What is something you had to cut from your book that you wish you could have kept?

There was a scene between Dr. Mo and her pal, Patsy, in a restaurant that was painful to cut. Patsy, one of my favorite characters, used salt and pepper shakers, hot sauce and catsup bottles and a fork to make a point about the doc’s messed-up personal life. It was near the end of the book where the pace had escalated. The scene slowed things down and, gulp, had to go. I hope to find a place for it in the second book!

Where do you write?

I have a writing studio in the backyard. It was a shed that my amazing husband upgraded for me, including installation of a large window at my desk where I can watch the ducks swim by in the creek. I am a lucky woman.

What is your writing schedule?

I find that writing in the morning suits me best. I think it’s because I’m still connected to my subconscious at that time of day. As a Pantser, I write by the seat of my pants, so it’s important to keep my head plugged into my imagination rather than cluttered with the banal practicalities of the real world.

Synopsis (from Amazon):

When two murders strain the police force of a remote Alaskan fishing port, veterinarian Maureen McMurtry is tapped by Dutch Harbor’s police chief for forensic assistance. The doctor’s got a past she’d rather not discuss, a gun in her closet, and a retired police dog that hasn’t lost her chops. All come in handy as she deciphers the cause and time of death of a local drug addict washed ashore with dead sea lions and an environmentalist found in a crab pot hauled from the sea in the net of a fishing vessel.

When her romantic relationship with a boat captain is swamped by mounting evidence that he’s the prime suspect in one of the murders, McMurtry struggles with her own doubts to prove his innocence. But can she? McMurtry’s pals, a manager of the Bering Sea crab fishery and another who tends Alaska’s most dangerous bar assist in unraveling the sinister truth.

Author Bio:

D. MacNeill Parkerand her family are long time participants in the Alaska fishing industry. In addition to fishing for halibut, salmon, crab, and cod, she’s been a journalist, a fisheries specialist for the State of Alaska, and a seafood company executive. She’s travelled to most ports in Alaska, trekked mountains in the Chugach range, rafted the Chulitna River, worked in hunting camps, and survived a boat that went down off the coast of Kodiak. Parker’s been to Dutch Harbor many times experiencing her share of white knuckler airplane landings and beer at the Elbow Room, famed as Alaska’s most dangerous bar. While the characters in this book leapt from her imagination, they thrive in this authentic setting. She loves Alaska, the sea, a good yarn and her amazing family.


Author Marketing Experts:


“From the first scene, she evokes the real Dutch Harbor and the dynamic people who call it home. It’s a roaring mystery that braids together oil rigs, fishing, sea lions and the kind of Russians we love to hate. Death in Dutch Harbor is a must read for anyone who wants to vicariously experience a rugged world on the edge of an unforgiving sea”

—  Lori Swanson, Former Director Marine Conservation Alliance, Federal Fishery Observer

“Any fan of the Deadliest Catch television show should reach for this book!”

—Captain Sig Hansen, FV Northwestern and a star of the Deadliest Catch TV series

Death in Dutch Harbor grabbed me at the outset and did not let go. Right away you can tell Ms. Parker knows the issues facing the fishing industry in the Bering Sea. She weaves them into the tale and uses her characters to draw the reader deeper into the murder mystery.”

— Frank Kelty, Former Mayor of Dutch Harbor/Unalaska

“What a banging beginning for this author. Parker successfully tied together the multiple themes with strong characters, especially the women, with a believable and exciting plot. I recommend this book and look forward to Parker’s next novel.”

— Men Reading Books

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Giveaway – Jumper by Ali LUcia Sky @AliLuciaSky1 @xpressotours

Ali Lucia Sky
(Why Choose Romance, #5)
Publication date: November 14th 2023
Genres: Adult, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance

It’s so dark in his life that his Claimed mates may never get out.

Becca Grimm is a Legion demon and has known one thing since she was a young girl: she would have a breeding pact. That her breeding pact partner turned out to be her Tether was a dream come true until he broke her heart, and then she wanted to break his face until he crawled back to kiss her feet.

But Jumper’s world is darker and more secretive than he’s ever let on. Even with her guardian-Tethers, at her side, she can barely navigate it. And finding her way back to the light is impossible in a world where wickedness reigns.

Becca can’t say no to the things Jumper demands of her. She loves the things that Tobin wants from her. And she can’t look away from the things she sees Jumper and Crux do together.

Content warning coming.
It’s recommended that you read the series in order, beginning with RAIDEN–all previous books available on Kindle Unlimited.

Goodreads / Amazon



I dial Jumper’s number for the third time. When it goes to voicemail, I growl. It’s just like the jackass to stand us up. Crux, Tobin, Jumper, and I all had plans to go to Sapp’s Coffee Shop for breakfast, but it was two now, and I’d heard nothing from him all day. I stretch and yawn. If I’d known he was going to flake, I would have slept in.

“Becca, mail for you,” Andy says, grinning and tossing me a handful of college packets. I don’t order them, he does. I flip through them. “Northwestern? You think the four of us are going to Illinois?” I raise a brow.

“I don’t care where you go, as long as you don’t end up a statistic,” my brother grumbles. “Where are dumb and dumber?”

“Making food with Adina,” I nod toward the kitchen.

“I know they are your Tethers, but look at me and Adina… we waited, and we survived. You don’t have to rush things. Go to school first, Becca. Claim one another later. Real love can stand still for five minutes.” Andy stands and leaves me with that.

I grab my phone and call Jumper again. When it goes to voicemail this time, I leave him a quick voice message. “Thanks for canceling, drummerboy. Next time, actually let me know you aren’t showing.”

My phone rings as soon as I hang up. Thinking it’s Jumper finally calling, I answer.

“Hello, shit-for-brains–” I start.

Lilah cuts me off. “Is he with you!?”

“Is who with me?” I ask.

“Jump. Is Jump with you?” she asks, tension high in her voice.

I shake my head, though she can’t see it. “No. He’s not with me. He stood me up this morning.”

“When did you last talk to him?” Lilah asks quickly.

“Two days ago,” I answer with my heart racing. I just know something is wrong.

“He’s missing, Becca. Jump is missing. No one has seen him in two days,” Lilah sobs.

Author Bio:

Ali Lucia Sky is the author of The Powers That Be series. She lives in Southern California with her husband and a house full of kitty cats and a yard full of crows.

She loves laughing, drinking good coffee, vegan food, and supporting animal rescues.

When she isn’t writing or dreaming of new stories, she can be found planning her next vacation because traveling is life.

If you encounter her in the wild, don’t be offended if she should run away. She’s timid with strangers, but can be plied with shiny things and pictures of your cat or dog.

She’s a weirdo like that.

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Immortal Vendettas – Old Scores by A J Harrison @imvendettas #vampires

Amazon / KindleUnlimited / Goodreads


The beginning of Old Scores by A J Harrison has me thinking of The Mummy…an underground archaeological dig, an odd looking brick, a little blood, and the floor gives out beneath their feet. You would never find me down there!

Years later, from Syria to Chicago…The atmosphere is spooky…darkness and a sarcophagus, and him. He takes what he needs with no remorse, yet at a mothers desperate request, he becomes The Equalizer. Simon is a vampire, drawn to humans. His fascination with humans makes me think of Lucifer. He was so intrigued, he had been going to the University of Illinois Chicago for five be around them. His world was dealt a dramatic change when he, literally, ran into Anita. Simon meant to walk away, but there was something about her. Moments of Lucifer with Chloe and Edward with Bella kept creeping in.

I found myself laughing at the dialogue, especially with Marion and Anita’s mother…and Simon’s gruesome, internal thoughts. Like when he sat at the dinner table with the humans. I wonder if those thoughts will be implanted in my mind when I visit family and friends for Thanksgiving. LOL

The story had been all about Simon, until Salem came to town. And Shafax. They are more powerful than he is and he gets caught in the middle of their blood feud. Shafax is the power crazy King of Vampires. Salem was Simon’s mentor, but their difference of opinion when it came to humans, caused their split.

Simon is a fascinating character and watching him learn makes for a fantastic story. The final fight against the vampires, puts both Anita and Simon at risk, but Simon is pretty hard to kill and Anita is not so shabby herself. Coyotes, rats, and zombies are thrown at them.

In the beginning of the book, I thought it a bit slow, but I loved all the time I spent with Simon. The last half was no slouch. Sure, some familiarity, shades of Lucifer and Twilight, but I loved both of those, so having some of those similarities are a huge draw for me. That doesn’t mean there are no dark and disturbing moments, blood and guts, and savage battles. A J has a way with words, bringing the characters and scenes to life, making the action easy to visualize.

I am VERY impressed with A J Harrison”s debut novel, Old Scores. The story could end here, but I feel these characters have more to say. How about it A J? Will there be more?

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4 Stars


It takes only a brief mischance and a few drops of blood to awaken an unspeakable evil and unleash it upon an unsuspecting world.

The vampire Simon has always prided himself on his detachment from humankind, but curiosity draws him to them nonetheless. A chance encounter with mortal Anita Rothard entices them both too much to ignore, but as the two grow closer and Simon finds his secret harder to keep, they are caught in the middle of a centuries-old blood feud between Shafax, the power-mad King of Vampires, and Simon’s estranged mentor, the enigmatic vampire Salem.

When enemies stir and rivalries reawaken, old scores will be settled and blood will flow.

  • Genre: Fantasy, Fiction, Paranormal, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Vampires
  • 506 pages, Kindle Edition
  • Published September 29, 2023


Andrew J. “A.J.” Harrison has had a lifelong love for vampires, werewolves, and other classic things that go bump in the night.  A retired officer of the United States Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps, he lives in the Chicago suburbs with his calico cat, Vandal, who lives up to her name.  Old Scores is his first novel.

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Giveaway — Moon Flower by Heather Ewen Foster @XpressoTours

Moonflower: Vampires of Los Angeles
Heather Ewen-Foster
Publication date: November 7th 2023
Genres: Adult, Urban Fantasy

Sonia, a 250-year-old Australian vampire, thought she had found peace in the quiet neighborhood of Whitley Heights, Hollywood. But when a mysterious creature starts slaughtering young vampires, Sonia is thrust into a deadly game of cat and mouse.

With her friend Sunny targeted by an ancient monster, Sonia must uncover the truth behind these brutal attacks. Desperate to save her friend and end the bloodshed, Sonia navigates the treacherous politics of the vampire world. Along the way, she finds herself torn between her irresistible attraction to Alex, the enigmatic human journalist helping in her investigation, and her deep bond with sexy and charismatic Sunny, Alpha Vampire extraordinaire.

As the sinister plot unravels, Sonia’s race against time becomes a pulse-pounding battle against an impossibly powerful foe. Will she uncover the truth before more lives are lost? And what sacrifices will she have to make to protect those she loves?

Moon Flower is a spellbinding urban fantasy that will leave you breathless. Heather Ewen-Foster’s suspenseful tale immerses you in a world of danger, romance, and mythical creatures. Get ready for an electrifying adventure that will keep you turning the pages late into the night.



Terror. Pain. Then darkness.

This is how it starts.

The only link to the world around you is the sound of your own heartbeat pounding in your ears. Your hearing seems to be the only sense still functioning, while sight, smell, touch, and taste seem oddly suspended.

You vaguely realize something is wrong with that pounding. You become aware that your pulse is slowing, beat by beat, which rapidly absorbs all of your attention.

Soon, far sooner than should be possible, you have reached that critical point where that little muscle—the strongest in the human body—struggles to keep you from crossing the threshold dividing the world of life from what awaits you at death.

But something else is terribly wrong: there is no warm light to dissolve into, there are no familiar faces waiting to usher you into paradise. There is only darkness and a failing heart that tries to pump what is no longer there. The terror within you surges as you realize that, should your heart fail, this great, dark oblivion of nothingness will become permanent. And all that is you—your very essence of self—will be gone.

And your heart, most assuredly, is failing.

It is at this crucial moment, when time seems to stand still, that you are offered a choice—a choice that is really no choice at all since the basic animal instinct to stay alive now dominates higher forms of reason.

You do not hesitate. You embrace the offer with a ferocity that speaks to the predatory nature once so close to the surface in humanity, though long since buried by generations of social, sedentary living and the trappings of “civilization.”

Then comes the oblivion, but not the one you expected—not the one which serves as the fate of everyone else. You are in limbo, with no beginning and no ending. No up and no down. But your sense of self is mercifully intact. You are still you.

Here, in this mental womb, you remain for days until— if you are one of the lucky ones—you open your eyes for the first time to a world utterly transformed. And, as you lay there staring into the brilliant colors of the night, you slowly realize that nothing will ever be the same.

This, dear readers, is what we call The Birth. My name is Sonia.
I am Vampire.

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Giveaway – Emissary by E B Brooks @GoddessFish @EBBrooksFiction

Emissary by E.B. Brooks

GENRE: Science FIction


Two Worlds. One Future.

Ewan O’Meara is no stranger to death: in recent months, he’s found his way to limbo at least once per week, much to his parents’ concern. It’s a necessary price for getting experience to become the greatest adventurer his homeland of Veridor has ever known, but the overbearing Veridian Church has him pinned down, soaking him for the penance gold to unlock his stats each time he respawns. And because the Church’s ancient war put an end to both the godlike Gems and the epic quests they once bestowed, Ewan has no better alternative.

That is, until he encounters a young woman fleeing arrest from the Church’s soldiers. At first glance, Treanna Rothchild needs it: she’s clueless about Veridian life. But she has other skills that defy Ewan’s understanding, and she knows things. Unsettling, seditious things the Church wants kept secret at any cost.

And she’s in Veridor to raise an army, to fight an enemy only she can see.

Risking both life and soul, Ewan follows Treanna where no Veridian has ever been and there is no respawning. But for him to have a chance at making a real difference in the strange, harsh world she reveals to him, he must first come to terms with it. Especially as he and Treanna discover how much it has in common with Veridor—and how much they depend on each other to survive.

New-adult science fiction, wrapped in gaming and fantasy around a hopepunk core, Emissary is an immersive, thought-provoking adventure with a little teen romance and a lot of heart.


Ewan didn’t know why he did it. He had plenty of reasons. He was angry about getting censured, annoyed with Paul’s warning to keep his head down, and embarrassed by how quickly he’d ignored it. No one took him seriously as an adventurer, much less understood when he asked the big questions.

But, more than anything, looking into those eyes, he simply knew this girl was in trouble, and that he wanted to help her.

She flew past as time resumed its normal flow; Ewan shouted and leaped in front of the Swords to draw their aggro. He called up his menu, winced when he remembered he’d given Kate his armor, then equipped his blades anyway.

An ominous tone sounded in his mind, and a warning flashed across his vision that he now had a bounty, along with a reminder that only Swords were permitted to equip weapons in the cathedral. As if to prove the point, the soldiers slowed as they saw the blades flash into being on his back, but with grim smiles they equipped their own and changed targets.

Ewan spared a quick glance behind him to see the girl vanish down the steps, then turned to face his opponents.

The crowd was whispering excitedly now, but he focused on the Swords, quickly calling on his own basic aura-reading skills to scan them. They were stronger than him, and bigger too, but neither had bothered to bolster their defense beyond their armor, clearly seeing him as an easy mark.

Time to see what agility’s all about, he thought with a nervous chuckle.

AUTHOR Bio and Links

E.B. Brooks lives in the southeastern USA, where he splits his time between writing, research, and homesteading. He enjoys building fictional worlds, real houses, and landscape models, but he’s most at home with his wife and children, and their many, many pets.

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The Spotlight Is On Zarik by Mystee Ryann @XpressoTours

Mystee Ryann
(To Meet a Highlander Series, #1)
Genres: Historical, Romance, Time-Travel

Meet Zarik MacKinnon, soon-to-be chief of his clan. Stubborn, unrelenting, and not in need of love. For years he’s been told by the clan’s druid that someone will come to save him. Someone for him to love. He shrugged his shoulders and continued on in his protection of his clan. Never wanting to be chief, Zarik is surprised when Tsarina Fraser arrives and is said to be the one he must marry. The catch? She’s from the future.

Author Bio:

After 14 years of book and product reviews, I have finally got my own books in the works.

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Memory Surgeon – The Color Of Betrayal by Hollie Smurthwaite @H_Smurthwaite

Words: The Color
Words: of Betrayal

Amazon / KindleUnlimited / Goodreads


I will warn you about The Color of Betrayal by Hollie Smurthwaite. There are triggers involve: explicit sex scenes that are smokin’ hot, alcoholism, violence and plenty of profanity. Sounds right up my alley, how about yours? LOL

Jolene is a memory surgeon working for the Agency, a spy. She could read people’s memories, but did her best not to remove them. If she did, they became hers and that is a heavy load to bear. She has no family, losing her best friend when the Agency faked her death. Exercise is her panacea, being still an impossibility. Jogging made her feel free.

Their team consists of five people: Jolene, Stadler, Sara, Ryan and Jorge. Ryan was the older brother, Sara is the rebel sibling, Stadler is the father figure, Jorge is the younger brother, and Jolene is the fucked up child.

She meets Cass in the coffee shop and is immediately smitten. She has no time for a relationship and too many secrets to keep. Their dialogue, as their relationship builds, has me cracking up, but he has his secrets too.

The deeper into the story I go, the more I choose the characters I will root for and those I want to see go down. The danger rises as secrets are exposed and betrayals come to light. I was so surprised at The Agency and never saw that coming, though any group that keeps secrets to work outside the normal boundaries, can be considered armed and dangerous.

Jolene will be put to the test all right. Will she be stronger for it, or will it be the end of her? Who can she count on for support? Can she have a romantic life?

Even though the books in the series can be read as stand alones, I highly recommend starting with the first, because the characters will be making an appearance in future books and knowing their backgrounds adds extra to the stories to come.

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4 Stars
book quotebook cover with flowersChristmas scene and book cover


Jolene, a recovering alcoholic with the psychic ability to experience people’s memories, helps a secret government agency take down drug syndicates.

No secret is safe . . .

As a memory surgeon, Jolene can slip into other people’s memories. She can see them, experience them, even steal them. To atone for her past, she’s been using her psychic gift to help the Agency, a secret government entity, taking out drug lords across the US. After a screw-up on an assignment, she’s back in Chicago, where her own worst memories live.

The last thing she needs while trying to make up for her mistake is a sexy distraction. Cass is a little sweet and a lot gorgeous. The only problem: she can’t have him and the job. But when he offers his friendship, she can’t resist.

While Jolene and Cass try to pretend there is nothing beneath their friendship, her mission spins out of control. Now, both their lives are on the line. Will her growing powers be enough to save her? Or will secrets send her right back to the darkest depths of her past?

The Color of Betrayal is a steamy paranormal romantic suspense novel with psychics, spies, twists, and dark themes. Great for fans of KF Breene, Jeaniene Frost, and Kim Harrison.

Although this is book two of the series, it can be read as a standalone. The main characters change each novel.

Content warning: Explicit sex scenes, references and depictions of physical violence (NOT between the protagonists), alcoholism, profanity and not just a little.

  • Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Supernatural, Suspense, Thriller
  • 343 pages, ebook
  • Published October 31, 2022 by Hollie Smurthwaite
  • Series: The Psychic Colors Series, Book 2


Hollie Smurthwaite is a paranormal romantic suspense author of The Color of Trauma and The Color of Betrayal. The Color of Trauma was the winner of the 2020 Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project in adult fiction. She lives in Chicago with her husband, son, and too few pets. In past lives, she’s been a checkout clerk, massage therapist, office manager, recruiter, magazine staff writer, pepper spray hawker, and belly dancer.


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Giveaway – How It All Began by Fiona West @XpressoTours

How it All Began
Fiona West
Publication date: October 24th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Trust is like car keys: easy to lose and hard to get anywhere without it…

Evan only intended to strike up a casual conversation with the stunning blonde with Goldie Hawn looks–now he finds himself trying to cross paths with her on campus every chance he gets. But his water polo teammate appears to have damaged his chances with Farrah before he could even ask her out.

Farrah’s been out with players from the water polo team before–and it’s always ended in tears. The handsome medical student who wants to help her get revenge says he’s not like them…but there’s only one way to know for sure.

Will a trip to his hometown seal the deal or prove this player’s all washed up?

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo


Who is that?” Cat asked, peering out the front window as she pinned the foil in Mrs. Bergstein’s hair. “And what do I have to do to get my fingers in that hair?”

“I love his cut,” Daisy said. “Don’t you just love it? I wonder who did it.”

“Forget his cut. Look at his jaw. And those arms. I bet those could keep me warm all night.”

Farrah smiled to herself as she swept her area, but said nothing. He’d put some kind of product in it that was making it look even more tousled than she’d intended, and it was definitely working for him. She’d have to find out what he’d used. Farrah glanced at the clock: it was 3:55. She took off her apron and washed her hands in the sink; they were feeling rough. She really needed to invest in some gloves or something if she was going to be holding hands with this guy more in the near future…and it seemed like a real possibility. More nerves bubbled in her stomach as she checked herself in the mirror, fluffing her hair.

“I’m off. See you all Monday.”

“Wait,” Cat said, “is that…are you…that stud muffin is yours?” she called after her as the door swung shut. “Farrah!”

“Hi,” she greeted Evan shyly, and he grinned.

“I think your boss was trying to get your attention…”

Farrah waved a hand. “She’s fine. They’ll just hound me for details on Monday, anyway, and I’ll have more to tell them then.” She leaned forward, hesitated, then gave him a peck on the cheek, if only to stake her claim with the other stylists. Mine. And yes, I gave him a bodacious haircut. His sunglasses reflected her smile back.

“In that case, ready to go? Turns out the shop is just down the street.”

“Sure!” He held out his arm, and she took it gladly as they started off. They walked in pleasant silence for a few minutes until Evan dropped her arm and turned to her.

“Okay, I can’t take it anymore. Was it Hairway to Heaven?”

Farrah blinked. “What?”

“Your name! The better name for the salon! Was it Hairway to Heaven? Or maybe Whole Lotta Styling Going On?”

She snickered. “What? No!”

“The Braidy Bunch?”

Farrah rolled her eyes and resumed walking. “That is the worst pun I’ve ever heard.”

“Oh, I’ve got lots more. Vanity Hair? Blown Away? Ahead of Hair Time?”

“Stop,” Farrah giggled, but she grabbed his arm and pulled him close, matching his long strides. But the man just kept going.

“A Cut Above. Fringe Benefits. Thy Kingdom Comb.”

The giggles were now uncontrollable, and she felt tears of laughter at the corners of her eyes.

“Curl up ‘n Dye! Mane Attraction! A Cut Above!”

“You already did that one,” Farrah wheezed, holding her stomach, barely able to get the words out for laughing so hard.

“Well, I can’t help it! I have to know! Please, please put me out of my misery and—”

“All right, all right,” she said, wiping the tears from her face, aware that her mascara was now running. “My goodness. It’s…” She’d never told anyone her plans for the salon, not even her mom, and she told her pretty much everything. But Evan wasn’t going to judge her, she didn’t think. And hopefully, he’d be kind if he didn’t like it.

“It’s Shear Brilliance,” she said, just as they came to a stop outside a bridal shop.

Evan stared at her for a long moment, blinking slowly, then finally said, “That is genius.”

“You really like it?”

“No, I adore it. It’s perfect. Far better than what I came up with. You’ve got a flair for this, Farrah. And it’s going to look great printed on your business cards when you give Harry a stack for his friends.”

Farrah rolled her eyes as she pulled open the front door. “You never stop, do you?”

Evan grinned. “You should see me in the off-season when I don’t have water polo to tire me out. I’m like a human pinball machine.”

Author Bio:

Fiona West lives in the Pacific Northwest. Writing romance is her favorite thing, followed closely by reading, knitting and drinking tea while looking out the window. When she’s not doing those things, she’s spending time with her husband and two kids. Her debut novel, The Ex-Princess, received a starred review from Publishers Weekly and was named one of their Best Books of 2019. The first book in her contemporary romance series, Could Be Something Good, also received a starred review from Publishers Weekly. Find out more about Fiona at or sign up for her newsletter at

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Giveaway – A Patch Of Romance by J C Valentine @xpressotours

A Patch of Romance
J.C. Valentine
(A Coffee Break Mystery, #4)
Publication date: October 25th 2023
Genres: Adult, Mystery, Romance

Callie’s status as a single mom is about to end when she meets up with local dad, Scott Prince, at the pumpkin patch. Love is definitely in the air…or is that just pumpkin spice? Either way, Callie is about to embark on a seriously satisfying journey. That is, until the mystery knocker comes knocking. Is it just a Halloween prank, or is someone trying to send her a message—the deadly kind?

As Callie and Scott traverse the dating life with one another and ring in the holidays with the hope of uniting them all as one big, patchwork family, the lingering question of who keeps knocking and what they want looms in the shadows, waiting to be answered. Will Callie and Scott reveal the truth behind the eerie knocking before something it’s too late? And will they ever get their happily ever after?

Follow Callie and Scott’s journey from wary strangers to soulmates in this feel-good holiday romance. With a friends-to-lovers romance, family bonding moments, cozy Christmas traditions, and a found family trope, this wholesome love story will get you in the holiday spirit. Curl up with a mug of hot cocoa and let the magic of the season bring this unlikely pair together one knock at a time.

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“Okay, you wild banshees, costumes are ready to go!” I called up the stairs. Instantly, I heard the pounding of little feet as Lily and Ethan raced down the stairs, with Lily predictably in the lead, eager to transform into their Halloween alter-egos.

“Beware the Headless Horseman!” Lily cried, tossing her hooded cape dramatically over her grinning face. Next to her, Ethan was assembling his white boxy Minecraft costume, complete with pixelated foam sword.

I knelt down and made the final adjustments, securing Ethan’s headpiece and Lily’s belt, then ushered them toward the door. “Let’s hit those sidewalks before all the good candy is gone!” I declared.

It was still light outside when we stepped out onto the porch. Ghosts, superheroes, princesses, and witches were already parading up and down the street as families got the trick-or-treating underway. The crisp air twinkled with magic and excitement as neighbors called out compliments on costumes, and I inhaled the heavenly, smoky scent of burning wood that several people were using to keep warm as they passed out candy.

We weren’t far into our route when I heard rapid footsteps approaching. Lily and Ethan’s faces lit up as Scott and his son came into view dressed in matching blow-up dinosaur costumes. I couldn’t help laughing as I watched their giant dino heads bobble to and fro as they swished toward us.

“Hey, guys!” Scott greeted, slightly out of breath. Since our pumpkin carving hangout, we’d been planning for the kids to do Halloween night trick-or-treating together too. I was relieved he was making it easy for me to take this second opportunity with no strings attached.

“Dad, can we go show Ms. Molly our costumes?” Lily asked eagerly.

I nodded indulgently, enjoying seeing my kids having a good time. After waiting a few moments for Lily, Ethan, and Stanley to run up the walkway to show off their costumes to their principal, we began a slow, easy walk from house to house, stealing pieces of candy here and there, as the kids ran back and forth down driveways and bonded with each other more.

Author Bio:

J.C. Valentine is the USA Today and International bestselling author of the Night Calls and Wayward Fighters Series and the Forbidden Trilogy. Her vivid imagination and love of words and romance had her penning her own romance stories from an early age, which, despite being poorly edited and written longhand, she forced friends and family members to read. No, she isn’t sorry.

Living in the Northwest, she has three amazing children and far too many pets. Among the many hats she wears, J.C. is an entrepreneur. Having graduated with honors, she holds a Bachelor’s in English and when she isn’t writing, you can find her editing for fellow authors.

Sign up for J.C.’s newsletter and never miss a thing!

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Giveaway – Veils and Vampires by Cee Bee @XpressoTours @CB_Bauer

Veils and Vampires
(Vampires of the Daemonverse, #2)
Publication date: October 14th 2023
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance

***By popular demand! New launch date of Fall 2023 across all retailers!***

Highlander meets Twilight with a dash of Fifty Shades of Grey in this vampire romantasy… Caelin MacGregor is an ancient king with a new love Ages ago, I ruled a clan of vampire raiders. We were allies to the Vikings and enemies of the Rus. That life ended when the bloodkin plague wiped out all our women, including my beloved vampire bride, Elisava. A thousand years have passed. My heart remains empty. Then I see a human woman named Lexa. For the first time in ages, I feel true desire, respect and love. Could Lexa actually be a lost bloodkin lady … or is she a horrible trick from Pyri, the ancient fire goddess of the Rus raiders? Lexa Uznetsov has a plan To save my sister, Sash, I took on my father’s debt to Konstantin the Rus, leader of the New York Bratva. As a result, my life became a never-ending (and incredibly illegal) stakeout for the mob. After years of scheming, I’ve finally come up with a solid escape plan: find all three pieces of the infamous Veil Pendant. Once I reassemble this magical item, I’ll have the power to cure my sister … as well as the ability to say buh-bye to Konstantin. Sure, legends warn that reforming the Veil Pendant may bring about some nastiness called Pyri’s doomsday. Yet if it saves Sash, I’m willing to risk anything. “Veils and Vampires is amazing! It has action and adventure and a little spicy. Enough that it makes you drool and want more. Honestly a totally different take on modern day vampire soulmates. I devoured this book in one sitting.” – Teresa, Goodreads Vampires of the Daemonverse 1. Violins and Vampires 2. Veils and Vampires 3. Vixens and Vampires

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Dniper River, Russian Lands, 1000 AD

Dniper River, Russian Federation

One Thousand Years Ago

Every summer, I sail for the village of Staraya Ladoga to kill the evil vampire warlord, Fyodor the Rus. Over the centuries, one fact has become clear.

Fyodor the Rus is verra good at hiding.

A few months ago, I became king of my clan, the MacGregors. As such, I face a number of painful tasks, such as the pressure to choose a bride and quickly. But leading our yearly mission to try and kill Fyodor? ‘Tis always a pleasure.

To this end, I now stand on the prow of my longboat, the Diamond. On either side, the great fleet of clan MacGregor stretches out across the Dniper River. Thirty-four ships in all—that’s a record. Fresh gusts of wind churn all around, creating a mosaic of white peaks on dark waters. I inhale, catching the far-off scent of pine needles and campfires.

‘Twould be a fine night for battle. Too bad Fyodor never gives us one.

My second-in-command, Hunter, steps to my side. He’s a tall man with golden hair, green eyes, and all the body strength of the Shelterstone Crag.

“The wind is strong and steady,” announces Hunter. “Perhaps we should strike up a song. The warriors seem …” He leaves the thought unfinished.

I scan the crew. Since there’s still some daylight, all those now on deck are born vampires. Bloodkin. Men and women sit on their rowing benches, their bodies taught and voices silent. Like me and Hunter, they all wear ceremonial battle leathers. Their garb is to be expected. What I notice next is not.

Normally, the crew is glassy-eyed and lax by this point in the journey. After nearly a millennium of trying, our annual attacks on Staraya Ladoga are more ceremony than anything else.

So why does the crew twitch with every bird’s caw or odd wave?Something is wrong.

I cut a glance toward Hunter. “Does your departure worry them?”

Bloodkin magic draws us to a fated mate, meaning someone who matches our heart and enhances our powers. Hunter recently found his fated mate, Fifeur, in the land of the Francs. After months of debating, Hunter has finally resolved to move to Gaul and marry Fifeur. This voyage marks our last journey together.

Hunter sighs. “Nae. ’Tis something else.”

A thread of unease winds inside me. “It has been a thousand years, hasn’t it?”

“That it has.”

Fyodor originally invaded our realm exactly one thousand years ago. On that raid, Fyodor killed my great-grandfather, King Caethur. Why? Fyodor thought my relation was the so-called bloodkin spark, meaning that Caethur’s death would release a horde of fire demons and destroy life on earth.

“There was a red moon a few nights ago,” I state. “That’s her sign.”

There’s no question who I mean here. Pyri, the fire elemental. Fyodor and his people worship her in a death cult where the deceased are burned in longboats. I scan the crew once more. They’ve every right to be concerned.

“Perhaps a song would help the crew,” I tell Hunter. “Rouse the bard.”


Author Bio:

Author Christina “CEE BEE” Bauer has sold more than 1M copies across her 45+ epic fantasy books for young adults. She’s recorded (and narrated) eight of her books into audiobooks, as well as led the translation of her novels into four different languages. USA Today has called her work “must-read paranormal fantasy.” Bauer is an autism advocate and quirky loudmouth whose writing style really isn’t for everyone. But if you like stories with complex worlds inhabited by chicks who kick ass and take names, then read on!

Christina lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby. She loves to connect with her fans at
Be the first to know about new releases from Christina by signing up for her newsletter:

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