Here’s A “Peek” at Longclaws – Book Blast Giveaway


Welcome to my stop for the Longclaws book blast.

This one of a kind novel by Steve Peek is an amazing journey into a different kind of horror story, with a new version of the mythology the reader might not expect.

The synopsis made me so curious, I just have to find out what a Longclaw really is. How about you?

With an average of 4.7 stars out of 5, this is an amazing book that will take you places you don’t expect.  Interested?  Read more, or grab your copy at $0.99 while it’s on sale!Blurbb


Their world is crowded with active volcanoes, sulfur and acid rains, permanent thick clouds turn day into deep twilight. It is a violent place: moment-to-moment survival is victory, every creature is constantly predator and prey, sleep is certain death.

This is home to the longclaws, beings of super-human speed, strength and senses. Their predatory skills allow them only a tenuous niche in their hellish environment. Though smart and fierce, their rank in the food chain is far below the top. One clan leader draws from ancient legends of paradise and devises a plan to escape and take his clan to the otherworld – a world filled with slow, defenseless prey.

The clan activates an Indian mound deep in southern forests and enters our world -hungry for prey.

Torrential rains and washed out bridges force a runaway teen, an old dowser and a Cherokee healer to face the horrors of the clan’s merciless onslaught.

Mankind’s legends are filled with vampires, werewolves, dragons and other nightmarish. Perhaps our legend of hell is based on the world of the Longclaws.

Remember, Longclaws is available over the next few days for only $0.99!


So, Steve, tell us a bit about what you’re writing now

Currently titled Dark Paradise, Steve is 60,000 words into one of his strangest tales of all.  One morning, all over the world, people on the coast wake up to discover many islands occupying what was empty sea the day before.  Governments and individuals are unable to set-foot on the islands.  People begin to disappear.  At first dozens, then hundreds, then millions simply vanish.  The Earth’s population drops of 8 billion to less than 500,000 million.  Civilization crumbles.  As the story unfolds the remaining individuals are faced with a choice.  It has been great fun to write.

And, why did you change Longclaws to a Trilogy?

Longclaws is truly a labor of love.  Written and re-written over 20 years there were many interesting stories and scenes that did not make it into the final version.  The trilogy, when finished, consists of a prequel set in World War II England where a young Royce Mason is recruited to fight in a war of the occult.  The final book brings the two main characters back together in the most hellish adventure imaginable.  I hope they survive but sometimes my worlds just take over and things don’t workout so well for puny humans.

And, you’re touring both Alien Agenda and Longclaws with us between July 12th and 26th – tell us a bit about Alien Agenda….

Alien Agenda:  Why they came, Why they stayed, is a book reviewers have dubbed science faction.  Written in the style of James Michener and Leon Uris, it mixes accurate and detailed history that most of us lived through, while weaving fiction into the fabric of what actually happened.   There is more truth in the book than fiction and it is often difficult for a reader to know what is real and what is not making it a very convincing work of “science faction.”



Steve Peek

Steve Peek grew up in a family of readers and writers.  In the second grade a neighbor gave him a toy printing press and, using rubber linotype, he wrote and printed a neighborhood paper.  His first short story won a competition in his third grade class.  Sometimes he dreamed of being a policeman, fireman, lawyer, minister, soldier, politician, but in every dream he was also a writer.

Peek loves games.  He enjoyed a forty year career in the game industry which allowed him to travel the world where he was able to explore many of the ancient, mythical places he’d read about. Some legends associated with these enigmatic sites led him down a winding road to a junction where myth meets science and the hold of this magical place continues its grip.

Over the decades Steve always wrote.  Sometimes just here and there.  Twice he managed to have books published.

Now, with the precious time to write, Steve found the traditional publishing world in disarray and decided that it is more important for him to write than to sell books to the big publishing houses.  The venue of the e-book makes this possible.  So, for better or for worse, Steve sits at a kitchen table looking into the woods around his home in the Smokey Mountains and writes every day.

Reviewers have declared his books Longclaws and Alien Agenda: Why they came, Why they stayed to be a new sub-genre, ‘science faction’.  Much of the books are based on history and science while the story falls under fiction.

Steve’s books are based on things that interest him and he works hard to make them interesting for his readers.

He would like to hear from you via jstephenpeek on facebook or send him a message via his contact form.


 Follow Steve on social media!

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Buy the book!


Steve will be touring in July with the Finishing Fairies.  Both books, Longclaws and Alien Agenda are available for review, and are interesting, engaging books that you’re sure to enjoy.  If you’d like to join us, we’d *love* to have you.  Please sign up here!

Finishing-Fairies-small-bannerTour arranged by The Finishing Faires

Grab your copy of Longclaws by Steve Peek for .99 by clicking on the cover below.


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