Victoria Danann is Releasing a new Black Swan book, Solomon’s Sieve

PromoAd(1)Victoira Danann seems to always have fantastic covers for her novels and Solomon’s Sieve is no exception. Read on to learn more about her newest release.

The cover screams vampires, don’t you think?


Solomon’s Sieve, Book 7 (Knights of Black Swan)

Named Best Paranormal Romance Series of 2013 by REVIEWERS’ CHOICE AWARDS (Paranormal Romance Guild).

Nominated for Best Paranormal Romance Series of 2014 IRC READERS CHOICE AWARDS

Voting in September. Victoria Danann is also up for Author of the Year.


PUBLISHER: 7th House (Imprint of Andromeda LLC)
90,000 words
E-BOOK RETAILERS: Amazon, B&N, iTunes, Smashwords, and KOBO

When Sovereign Solomon Nemamiah lay dying on a beach under an overturned vehicle with his fiancé helplessly sobbing next to him, he made a vow to himself that he would refuse to stay in some arbitrary afterlife. He silently promised to return and finish what he started with The Order of the Black Swan and the love of his life. When the new Sovereign of Jefferson Unit begins saying and doing things that remind people of Sol, it raises suspicion in the minds of people who were closest to him.

The mutated and more aggressive strain of vampire virus surges back to the forefront of The Order’s priorities forcing retirees to be recalled and trainees to be inducted earlier than ever before.

Meanwhile, The Order sends Z Team with its newest member, Glendennon Catch, to escort new recruit, Dr. Mercedes Renaux, to Bulgaria. Her mission is to shut down and investigate an archeological site that may contain irrefutable evidence that vampire exist. Their mission is to protect her.



Kay gave Storm an amused look. “In some ways this feels more familiar than watching TV with my wife. ”

They were separating from Ram and Rev, going opposite ways in an alley. Storm looked back over his shoulder at Ram and Rev walking away. On a whim he called out, “Sol!” Without hesitation, Rev turned and said, “Yeah?”

The four of them stood frozen, Storm and Rev staring at each other, Kay and Ram looking back and forth between the two. Let it never be said that Ram didn’t know how to handle a situation delicately. “What the fuck, Stormy?”

“You know, that’s a good question, Ram. And well put.” Storm didn’t take his eyes off Rev.

“Something you want to tell us.”

Rev pursed his lips before growling. “No.”

“You sure?”

“You gone hard of hearing?”

Storm’s gaze was a concentrated challenge, pinning Rev in place, but he moved in close enough for quiet conversation.

“How about clueing us in, brother,” Kay was as calm as the eye of a hurricane as he nudged Storm. “What’s going on here?”

“Has it seemed to you that there are things about the new Sovereign that seem familiar? Eerily so?”

“Like what?” Ram asked as he eyed Rev from top to bottom.

“Oh, like the fact that he smokes the same brand of Turkish cigars that Sol used to smoke. And lights them with an old school fluid lighter. Then he puts the lighter down in front of him and turns it around and around the same way Sol used to.” Kay turned his attention toward Rev and began regarding him with increased interest. “How about the way he screws up his mouth when he’s aggravated or the way he steeples his fingers when he’s making a decision?”

Rev lifted his chin in defiance and narrowed his eyes at Storm. “And let’s not forget the fact that he took a bead on Farnsworth about thirty seconds after arriving Jefferson Unit. Doesn’t it strike you as a little strange that he handles Sol’s job like he knows what he’s doing? No. Not like he knows what he’s doing. Like he’s done it before!”

Ram eased around in front of Rev so that the three veteran members of B Team appeared united as the inquisitors they had just become. They stood in a dimly lit alley with accusation hanging in the air, waiting for Rev to answer.

“Your imagination’s just got the better of you, Sir Storm.”

“There! Right there. I never met another knight who called me Sir Storm. But Sol did.” Storm glanced at Kay. “All the time. Called me Mr. Storm when I was a kid. Switched to Sir Storm when I was inducted.” He stepped closer to Rev. “When I called Sol’s name, you turned around like you’d been answering to that name your whole life.”

Ram and Kay were giving Rev looks that said the questions weren’t going to go away just by staring Storm down. Finally Rev replied with the cool of an iceberg.

“So what are you saying? Exactly? That I’m a body snatcher?”

“What I’m doing right now is asking questions.”

“I don’t have answers for you.”

“NO!” Rev’s answer was a little too forceful and a little too quick.

“Start talking.” Rev blew out a breath and looked around at the alley.

”Let’s go sit down somewhere private.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’ll buy a round of drinks and tell you a story. Not about me mind you. A story about a guy I heard of.”





If you can’t wait to see if you win and must have your copy of the Knights of Black Swan Series now, click on the cover below.





taiwan flag smiley animated gif Pictures, Images and PhotosVictoria Danann is giving away an e-book set of 7 for Knights of Black Swan Series. Please leave your email and answer the following question:

What is your favorite thing about Vampires?

The giveaway is over. The winner is Laura Thomas. Congratulations Laura and happy reading!


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Moonlight by Victoria Danann with two Giveaways


I am really excited to be a part of this awesome tour. Be sure and go to the end of the post to enter the great giveaways, one tour-wide and one for my blog. 

The wolf on the cover is beautiful! Go ahead, look into his eyes. What do you see?


Moonlight: The Big Bad Wolf

by Victoria Danann

Genre: paranormal romance, fantasy romance, scifi romance

Pages: 386

Isbn: 978-1-933320-69-4



 This is the 4th installment in a serial saga. Reading in order is STRONGLY recommended. The first three e-books are available in box set everywhere.

 Black Swan Collected Tales, Books 1-3. 313,000 words. $5.99



 MOONLIGHT: Description.


The story continues to touch on the lives of former B Team members and their families while new characters and situations are introduced.

THE NEWSLETTER: Ram and Elora move into temporary quarters at Jefferson Unit to protect mother and baby. Storm gives a surprising answer when he’s tapped by Sol to replace him as Jefferson Unit Sovereign. Litha solicits her father to help Black Swan.

THE SURPRISE: B Team learns the shocking truth about the origin of the vampire virus. Monq races to develop a defense system to repel invasion by Stagsnare terrorists and assassins.

THE ADVENTURE: Desperation drives Stalkson Grey to embark on an adventure beyond his wildest dreams in a bid to save the Elk Mountain werewolves from extinction.

THE ROMANCE: In the process of migrating the Elk Mountain werewolves to a new home, Grey learns that true love can find you in the strangest places, even when you’re far, far from home.

Appropriate for 17+.


Glen was giving Blackie a goodbye rough and tumble.Moonlightbookbanner

“Not in my living room,” Elora said on her way past with her arms full of stuff the baby might need on the plane. She set the load down by the front door, looked around nervously, and pulled Glen aside looking like a woman with conspiracy on her mind. She spoke in a tone that was barely above a whisper. “I need you to do something for me on the down low.”

“The down low?”

“Um. Yes. What do they call it here when you’re off the record?”

“Off the record.”

Elora let out a breath. “Okay. Off the record…”

“Which record are we off?”

“Let’s start over. Between you and me…”


“Glen. Shut up.” He chuckled. “You’re messing with me, aren’t you?” He grinned.

“Enough. Limited time here.” He nodded.

“I need you to find out everything you can about the elf/fae war.”


“Great Paddy, Glen.”

“Okay. What exactly are you after?”

“How it started. See if you can find a reliable source – either a primary reference or an authority who knows for sure.”

“You got it, boss.”

“What has he got?” Ram came in carrying another load of stuff the baby might need on the plane, wearing his damn extra-sensitive elf ears.

“Just getting Glen to keep an eye on my puppies. Like we talked about.”

Ram nodded, opened the front door, and started carrying Helm’s busload of necessities to the Range Rover.

“Scary,” Glen whispered to Elora.


“How easily you lied to him and how genuine it sounded.”

“Yeah, well, keep that in mind if you ever get married.”

“I’m starting to recognize the appeal of bachelorhood.”

Elora pinned him with a look. “Seriously, I would never lie to him if it wasn’t to protect someone.”

“You’re protecting somebody?”

“Yes. I’m protecting them. I’m protecting him. And I’m protecting them from him.”

“I’ll find out what you want to know.”

Elora gave him her high beam smile. “You’re the best.”

“Is payment involved?”

“Yes. Here it is.” She kissed him on the cheek just as Ram came back through the front door.

“Catch! Stop cruisin’ my wife and help me move the entire inventory of Babes R Us to the armored tank.”



Moonlightauthor If you’re looking for something new and different in PNR, you’ve come to the right place.

I write unapologetic romances with uniquely fresh perspectives on paranormal creatures, characters, and themes. Add a dash of scifi and a flourish of fantasy to enough humor to make you laugh out loud and enough steam to make you squirm in your chair. My heroines are independent femmes with flaws and minds of their own whether they are aliens, witches, demonologists, psychics, or past life therapists. My heroes are hot and hunky, but they also have brains, character, and good manners – usually – whether they be elves, demons, berserkers, werewolves, or vampires.

My first book, My Familiar Stranger, was nominated for Best Paranormal Romance of 2012 by the Reviewers’ Choice Awards. Each of my books has remained on the Amazon best seller list in category every day since release. All three also earned the Night Owl Reviews TOP PICK award.

My work has been compared to J R Ward, Karen Marie Moning, Sherrilyn Kenyon, and Lara Adrian. For example:

“I do see shades of Lara Adrian’s Breed books and shades of J R Wards Black Dagger books, but this story is unique enough that it stands out all on its own and can stand up along side those other books and I think given time will elbow them out of the way with the rich story telling and deep emotional core that makes you want to know more.” – Kerry, Musings of a Bookworm

The Order of the Black Swan is a series that is also a serial saga. Each book is an episodic installment in an ongoing story. Join me for the adventure.





I was told the first book is always free on Amazon, so go HERE to get your copy. BE sure and check that it is free.






Tour Wide GIVEAWAY: Three sets signed paperbacks. Books 1-4. (Rafflecopter)

 a Rafflecopter giveaway





Black Swan Collected Tales, Books 1-3 (epub or mobi)

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