If I Could Turn Back Time – Where and When would You Go?



I am very happy with my life right now.

How about you?

If you could time travel, where and when would you go?


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11 thoughts on “If I Could Turn Back Time – Where and When would You Go?

  1. I got a headache about 13 years ago that just came on all of a sudden and it has not gone away. I live with it everyday – day in and day out (24/7). I try not to let it bother me as A LOT of other people have a harder life than me but if I could time travel, I would go back to when I did not have this headache and see if I could figure out why I got it. I would try to do things differently as I thought it would just go away in a couple days- maybe be more assertive in my treatment. Life goes on though and besides that….I am truly blessed!

    • Hi Sandy. It is ironically funny that you mention that. I have had a headache for, oh man, I didn’t realize so long, but over ten years. I can occasionally get rid of it with physical therapy or pain pills, but sometimes nothing will touch it. Sometimes I hold onto my head because it feels like it will explode. I empathize with you, because I know how tiring pain can be. But, like you said, there are people out there a lot worse off than us. I wish you the best. ^_^

  2. I do sometimes wish I could go back and do things a little differently with my children–be a better mother and all that. But, my children have turned out wonderfully and they are my best friends, so that’s just me wishing I would’ve done a better job. I did the best I could though, and there’s a lot of comfort in that knowledge. And I adore my children and wouldn’t change a thing about them or my life!
    BTW, Cher will be a guest judge on DWTS on Monday night!!!

    • Awesome about Cher. I occasionally catch a glimpse of the show, but as a rule, don’t watch it. I will be checking it out tomorrow though. And from the looks of the pics of your children and grandchildren and the working relationship you have with your daughter, it sounds like you did a great job. I feel the same way about my son, though. It’s one of those things, if we knew then what we know now, we would have been better equipped for the job. As adults, for your children to be your friends is a huge compliment. Well done.

    • I just saw a TV show about Venice. That is one place I would love to go to. Lucky you Susan. ^_^

    • I was far from a child in the 90s but they were some great years for me. I met and married my hubby, Mr. Wonderful. Thanks for commenting Jennifer.

    • I agree, but have become used to it. What can I do? The powers that be have spoken. LOL Thanks Elisabeth for commenting.

  3. I’d go to anytime but now. Just kidding. but I wouldn’t mind going back to when my son was born and seeing that gummy, toothless smile and experiencing the pure joy and jolt to my heart when he giggled!

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