Will the Domino Effect topple them? The Blake Mistake by I C Camilleri

I C Camilleri’s Blake series is a psychic adventure into the future.

Would their interference in current events be their future downfall?

Read on to see if the Domino Effect will topple them.

The cover of The Blake Mistake is awesome. I love the simplicity and subtle colors.


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Emma found the trapdoor in the edge of the woods by accident.

She had no idea of the horror that had taken place in the hidden rooms.

No idea of how it would play into her future.


The Blake Mistake has so much going on, I’m trying to think how I will describe it to you. I C Camilleri writes of the paranormal, romance, suspense, horror, murders, a serial killer, insecurity and jealousy and how the characters do there best to survive and find a happy ending.

Right off the bat, I C Camilleri surprised me. What? I should have known it would not be that simple. So many sub plots, my head would spin at times, being torn first one way and then another.

This review is really hard to write. I do not want to give away any of the good stuff. The surprises just keep on coming and I want you to find them on your own. So, here we go.

He wanted to go home. Would Jake welcome him? When I find out who he is and how he comes to return home, I’m stunned. My jaw dropped open and I just sat and sat, thinking.

Sam loved Jake as a brother and chose to marry Ben. Ben was always insecure about Sam and Jake’s relationship, but talk about really insecure, let’s talk about Emma.

Emma had set her sights on Jake as soon as she met him and got him. She is drop dead gorgeous and is so afraid that when she is old and gray, Jake will no longer love her. Emma’s brother is Ben.

Ben is a psychic, like his father Josh.

Ben’s dream took him away. He had a psychic glimpse into the future. Josh had seen it too. Ben, could choose to save his brother, Nick, but what about the others? Thousands of lives would change if he chose to rewrite destiny.  It would spread out into the world, like a ripple in the water. Could you live with it?

By seeing the future, Ben had interfered before and changed Jake’s destiny. Jake in turn was there to save Ben. What if meddling is a Mistake? A minor shift could make a massive change. What would the repercussions be? And would they come back to bite them.

Jake, Sam and Cathy’s nightmare past shaped their entire future and made them best friends for life.

I was reading along, when WTF? How could Jake do that? What a bummer. I don’t like this at all. Then Sam steps in. Without her, Jake’s life would have become much different. But you will have to read The Blake Mistake for yourself to find out what is happening.

The story just keeps getting better and better. There is so much going on and I C Camilleri kept me guessing. I liked that I had to slow down and take in all she was telling me.

Awesome, how she made Jake’s world. I cannot fathom it. How does I C Camilleri come up with these scenarios?  It’s a miracle that Jake ended up such a good man. His biggest downfall is jealousy. It is a ferocious beast that dominates his relationship with Emma. Between his jealousy and her insecurity, will their love for each other be enough to keep them together?

As I neared the end, my emotions ran AMOK. I felt a sense of urgency. I felt deep sorrow and am awed at I C Camilleri’s ability to take me to such a dark place. The scariest monsters are the human kind.

My eyes are watering and my hands are getting sweaty. Good thing I’m reading my Kindle and not a paperback. At least, I don’t think it will short circuit.

“You always think that you know best just because you have that Blake gift.”

“It’s not a gift, it is a bloody Curse.”

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos   5 STARS – Would Buy It For Them

I received this book from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.




I.C. CamilleriSomething about me…well, that’s complex. Basically I’m a medical doctor living in the UK. Reading and writing have always been my passion, relieving me from the everyday stress of my medical job. My first published novel is THE BLAKE CURSE. It is a psychological thriller and a romance set in Cambridge. It pivots on three powerful characters; Ben Blake, the young and gifted British Intelligence officer embarking on his first undercover assignment; the elusive Samantha Black; and Jake Snell, the rugged Earl full of vices, the rogue who has to tease out that single thread of goodness inside his crumbling shell. He is Ben’s only lifeline in this treacherous game.
My second novel, THE BLAKE SOUL is different from my first in that it is more of a romance, focusing on the passion and love between two people with totally different backgrounds and interests. Here’s the synopsis to whet your appetite;

Josh Blake wakes up to the sound of the chilling scream echoing inside his head. His childhood nightmares are haunting him again. But why return now after all those years of oblivion? He sets out to investigate and he changes the natural course of events, rewriting destiny and creating a whole new world for himself and those around him. His past turbulent childhood mingles with the present, unveiling the deep insecurities that lurk behind his polished exterior of fame, glory and wealth.

Stalk I C Camilleri

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To pick up your copy of a Blake series novel by I C Camilleri, click on the cover below.




taiwan flag smiley animated gif Pictures, Images and PhotosI. C. Camilleri  is offering  for the Giveaway, 3 (three) PDF copies to 3 (three) lucky commenters. Easy entry as always, just leave your email address and answer the question:

Have you ever done something that you believe will ripple out and affect others in a good (or bad) way?

Giveaway ends January 6, 2014.

GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED. WINNERS ARE:  Toni Whitmire, Jennifer Bielman & Beth.

Congratulations and thanks to all who commented.


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To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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33 thoughts on “Will the Domino Effect topple them? The Blake Mistake by I C Camilleri

  1. Wow! My head is spinning and i’m all excited about this book now. I have the first book and never had a chance to finish it. It’s now on my must read and will be reading it for the new year!
    Spectacular review Sherry. I bet this was a hard one to write!
    As for the ripple effect. I’m sure iIve caused many. Just hope most of them were good:)

    • Thanks Laura. I love these books. I had to talk more about the characters so I didn’t give away any of the action. I feel the same as you, just hope my ripples have been more good than bad.

  2. Great cover. I love the simplicity of it. As far as my ripple effect, if like to think they were all positive ones. I’m a firm believer in the ‘pay it forward’ act.

  3. Everyone has, hopefully the biggest things I’ve done have been good! I believe in Paying it forward and it seems to work!! Haunting cover! Happy Holidays! And thanks for a great giveaway!

  4. This is the first I heard of this series but what I read so far it might be very interesting and I can’t wait to read it bibbiesparks@yahoo.com.I think like with karma if you do something good or bad it will come back to you more stronger.

  5. I try to do good things for other people. I hope others can see a selfless act for what it is and try to do the same for others. The book sounds great!

    • I think there are more good people out there than bad. Thanks for commenting and good luck.

    • It is a great series and I C can spin a great tale. Thanks for stopping in Storm.

  6. yes i have hurt people out of anger and in their anger they have hurt people out their anger its sad misky90501 @ yahoo . com

  7. I think we have all done our share of good and bad, after all, how else would we learn to do the right thing. All we can hope is that the good will far outweigh the bad. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  8. Each time I’ve made one of those potentially VERY bad decisions, I have had echoing thoughts in my head about how very bad things could be, and all the horrid things that could potentially happen. Of course, when I do something good, wonderful thoughts are NOT bouncing around in my head. One is supposed to do good. That’s just how it is. So the answer to your question is a resounding, “YES!” But, it really only applies to those potentially bad decisions I might make. Thanks for a great giveaway. michelle _ willms (at) yahoo (dot) com

    • We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t make mistakes. We can only hope we don’t repeat them. Good luck and thanks for stopping in.

  9. I most certainly have made decisions good and bad that have had a ripple effect. I like to think that there have been more good than bad but we never really know do we?

    This series certainly sounds worth the read. I’m always on the look out for new reads.
    Count me in on the giveaway please!

  10. I honestly can’t think of anything interesting that I’ve done hoping to ripple affect anyone other than getting all of my work done at work before leaving the office got the day and cleaning up my space before I go. I kept hoping people would catch on so I wouldn’t have to pick up other’s slack, but nothing ever changed, lol!

    • And it probably never will. I think you can teach old dogs new tricks, but not people. lol

  11. Have you ever done something that you believe will ripple out and affect others in a good (or bad) way?
    –> Sure! Whenever I teach or present, I believe what I share will ripple out and affect people positively. 🙂

    • Excellent. I think by your comment and the smile on your face, you have a positive attitude and I am sure those learning from you will carry that with them. Thanks for commenting and good luck. ^_^

  12. This looks amazing and the cover is an original.
    Your question sure had me wondering what I’ve done that has effected others and continued through them. My love of Angels and giving them to people who need them to watch over them. I honestly believe we are surrounded by them all the time. To remind people I find in need that they have an Angel with them always I often give them an Angel I have made telling them they are not alone. I am often asked by a receiver if they may have one to pass onto someone they want to touch.

    • I look the cover too. Isn’t it amazing and I sure haven’t seen another one like it……yet/ ^_^ That is sweet. My mother hands out angels too. She gave me one to hang in my car, to cover me when I am traveling. Very special. Thanks for your lovely comment.

    • Thanks Carlie. I love I C Camilleri’s writing and her novels have a can’t put down quality to them. ^_^

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